Just finished checking the crops in our
area on a Cargil tour.
1. 25 Canola if lucky, Few fields have
heard written off because of Aster
Yellow and Sclerotina. EArly canola.
2. Wheat looks like 65 from road and in
last few days signs of Fusarium and Leaf
hopper have shown up. Yield now will be
lucky to hit 25 to 30.
3. Durum is having the greatest problem,
Leaf hopper damage, plus fusarium in all
fields. Seems one prosario was not
enough. should have done a double
4. Flax in area is now showing signs of
cleavers with damage from the leaf
hoppers and aphids.
5. Barley and water and fusarium damage.
So after attending the day and talking
to my agrologists plus what I am seeing
in the east part of Sask. RAin makes
All info will be apparent at harvest.
Few timing will do ok most it will be a
shit show.
2013. here we come.
area on a Cargil tour.
1. 25 Canola if lucky, Few fields have
heard written off because of Aster
Yellow and Sclerotina. EArly canola.
2. Wheat looks like 65 from road and in
last few days signs of Fusarium and Leaf
hopper have shown up. Yield now will be
lucky to hit 25 to 30.
3. Durum is having the greatest problem,
Leaf hopper damage, plus fusarium in all
fields. Seems one prosario was not
enough. should have done a double
4. Flax in area is now showing signs of
cleavers with damage from the leaf
hoppers and aphids.
5. Barley and water and fusarium damage.
So after attending the day and talking
to my agrologists plus what I am seeing
in the east part of Sask. RAin makes
All info will be apparent at harvest.
Few timing will do ok most it will be a
shit show.
2013. here we come.