What was new in the report that hadn't been
anticipated by the market? Lots of other production
surveys by the private sector prior to the USDA which
highlighted similar estimates. The process now is the
one of cutting consumption to match the availability
of crop. That process is going to take some time.
Your challenge is to have a process that follows the
market and picks critical selling points/prices with
the discipline to act. Will be curious how this all
unfolds. A high price is only a high price when sell
and deposit the money.
anticipated by the market? Lots of other production
surveys by the private sector prior to the USDA which
highlighted similar estimates. The process now is the
one of cutting consumption to match the availability
of crop. That process is going to take some time.
Your challenge is to have a process that follows the
market and picks critical selling points/prices with
the discipline to act. Will be curious how this all
unfolds. A high price is only a high price when sell
and deposit the money.