Wilagro and Burbert et. el;
Before Marketing Freedom you say you were 'Cooperative' ... the CWB was working together with marketing our wheat... our 'Cookies' so to speak.
NOW YOU want to take all your Cookies; and go home.
CWB Pools...were then the best marketing risk management... an averaged price.
Now proof at our farm gate; prices paid track Portland (PNW) wheat prices... the old CWB said were too high and fictious.
We can actually Cooperate...now; and share our risk...in a pool: YOU WON"T.
A song just for you...
'Share it Maybe
Before Marketing Freedom you say you were 'Cooperative' ... the CWB was working together with marketing our wheat... our 'Cookies' so to speak.
NOW YOU want to take all your Cookies; and go home.
CWB Pools...were then the best marketing risk management... an averaged price.
Now proof at our farm gate; prices paid track Portland (PNW) wheat prices... the old CWB said were too high and fictious.
We can actually Cooperate...now; and share our risk...in a pool: YOU WON"T.
A song just for you...
'Share it Maybe