The CWB took money out of the conventional
wheat and barley pools to sell organic barley and
wheat and pay the specialized organic staff so
that organic flour could replace conventional
I thought it unfair to both conventional and
organic farmers.
The only ones who benefitted from pooling
piggybanks was the CWB itself because they
assumed power over organic marketing, and also
hired a gaggle of lackluster staff to honk orders.
In my very humble opinion. Pars.
wheat and barley pools to sell organic barley and
wheat and pay the specialized organic staff so
that organic flour could replace conventional
I thought it unfair to both conventional and
organic farmers.
The only ones who benefitted from pooling
piggybanks was the CWB itself because they
assumed power over organic marketing, and also
hired a gaggle of lackluster staff to honk orders.
In my very humble opinion. Pars.