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Killing the CWB...potential for lost Canadian jobs

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    About The Author

    David Climenhaga is an award-winning journalist, author, post-secondary teacher, poet and trade union communicator who has worked in senior writing and editing positions at the Toronto Globe and Mail and Calgary Herald.

    Its fitting for this man and his background to write such a story and a story is all it is. Many of us have not even used the CWB for many years and are doing just fine with the grain companies. And to top that off all this other grains is still moving to Canadian ports where possible.


      Importing cheap grain from foreign sources
      to Comedia, yeah right. Big business will
      by and use Comedian, high quality grain,
      no matter what, cousin thats what we
      likes. Oh wait, ifn profit is the
      motivation MAYBE they will import glow in
      the dark wheat. Just like they import
      rubber dog poop from hong kong......


        About The Author

        David Climenhaga is an award-winning
        journalist, author, post-secondary
        teacher, poet and trade union

        LOL I love the way he describes himself.
        typical left wing nutty guy. (poet? )lol

        So for me here is my background. I am a
        farmer, father, drummer, mechanic, crop
        scout, receptionist, insect expert,
        tractor operator, husband, writer, poet,
        graduate of voc ag, bin sweeper, sheep
        raiser, gardener, poultry grower, egg
        collector, friend, neighbor, brother to
        three, son in law, uncle, weed
        identification expert, crop
        nutritionist, and sorry, my list is too
        long for this page, so I'll stop there.

        A self described poet writing articles
        on western Canadian wheat marketinig?


          Interesting on who grows the crop now Willy,

          From Agriweek Aug 20 2012:

          "A paper from the George Morris Centre concludes that there is little correlation between farm profitability and trends in farm numbers. The paper by Larry Martin and Al Mussell correlates census data with gross and net farm income to show that inadequate income is not a major factor in the trend toward larger farms.
          Farms with annual sales over $500,000 represent just under 15% of all farms but almost 70% of farm-gate revenue. On average, these farms have over $5 million in annual revenue."

          Thanks for the good article Morris Dorosh... Keep up the good work!

          Morris also has an interesting article on how wheat growers are not selling wheat like folks thought they would... holding the wheat back.

          I thought the CWB/Single Desk crowd said we wht growers would slam the whole crop on the market at once... and push the prices through the floor... till they were at half price!

          Strange... we growers did not do the this with canola or peas either!

          What happened Willy?


            Tom: What or who are these "CWB/Single Desk crowd" of which you speak?

            If someone said that you twits would dump everything on the market at once then take it up with the one who said it.

            Harvest is far from over...time will tell what the market will do. Besides that the "system" is only barely adequate during any harvest. Anyway without any quotas whatsoever the "hogs" will get their grain to market and plug the elevators like in the olden days. That should make you happy.



              First come first serve... LIKE every other part of our economy.

              If a car dealer runs out of a certain model on sale... tough.

              If the price rises for bolts and nuts... that is as it is.

              When the ships fill up this fall... and the wheat needed has been procured... don't expect to cry back on us. Signup/Sell to the CWB pool... and you can have a place in the cue to sell as well.

              What could be fairer???

              Do you want to watch Gord Flaten C/W ExChair Oberg and his fellow 'Single Desk' Directors. They are telling us how the wheat market will race to the bottom without the CWB single desk... NOT me... your famous CWB Directors.

              Remember, Cam is as smart as Allen... who is as smart as Bill. These 3 CWB are 'Good Marketers' and will Fight each other to the bottom... of the 'market'... in the CWB's Single Desk' world. Very simple stuff... according to Gord Flaten.

              Just for you Willy...

              LEST we FORGET.



                Force, violence, pressure or compulsion with a
                view to conformity, are both uncivilized and
                undemocratic. - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi


                  Tom, you were selective in your comments from
                  Agriweek regarding wheat sales to the CWB and
                  Grain Companies. The real theme in the article
                  seemed to indicate that because farmers are not
                  contracting and pricing wheat and barley for
                  delivery, both CWB and Grain Co.s are hesitant to
                  make sales to end users for new crop. The only
                  movement is the CWB filling old crop orders in the
                  neighbourhood of 3 mil MT. The point being that
                  no one can risk making sales without first having
                  price and known volumes of inventory on hand to
                  offer at known price and volume. So wheat could be
                  shut out this fall. The article (Where is the Pen) also
                  points out that previous pre harvest wheat prices
                  may be coming to an end with trends shifting
                  downwards. It'll be interesting to watch.
                  Pars, while I strongly supported the principle of
                  single desk selling and price pooling, I had for a
                  long time suggested to the Board that they be
                  willing to issue no cost export licenses to individual
                  farmers. The push back was that this would destroy
                  price pooling as cherry pickers would fill the
                  premium markets. My comeback was that the
                  alternative would be fatal. So for about 20 years
                  both the extreme lefties and righties pissed in my
                  coke. But, I was right, was I not? And we still have to
                  deal with the world's largest single desk marketer,
                  the US Dept. of Commerce.


                    1. The CWB had no problem cherry-picking
                    FARMERS to fill the Warburton contract which
                    was a premium market. Unless a farmer
                    genuflected CWB doctrine, there was no hope for
                    an ordinary farmer to contract.

                    2. The CWB could have easily issued export
                    licenses to easily identifiable certified organic
                    farmers. Instead they chose to expropriate the
                    industry. The lot of them can go straight to hell.
                    They abused their power, lost their common
                    sense and lacked business acumen, and yes,
                    because they were incredibly pig-headed, lost the
                    single desk itself.

                    I personally think the CWB as it was, lacked
                    ethics, if not centrally corrupt within it's bowels.
                    Just my humble opinion. The accounts set up
                    selling CWB bonds Directly to farmers had no
                    sales, offered interest rates higher than the
                    market could bear, and was administered by
                    highly educated professional managers who left
                    their jobs to sell bonds to farmers. I do not know
                    of one farmer who bought CWB bonds Do you?
                    And all the personnel I cross-checked sported
                    Liberal connections. At the very least, both the
                    investing-idea and associates were an incestuous

                    Lastly, rocky, you are wrong. Any single desk,
                    that is legislatively established, and administered
                    by shooting someone through the head, the ass,
                    or the pocketbook, is simply wrong, unethical and
                    immmoral. You see nothing wrong with it.

                    It's a little like agreeing attractive Newfoundlander
                    Group One is allowed to have children but ugly
                    Nunaviter Group Two is not. And all because the
                    people in Group One lobbied for the denial
                    legislation based upon looks.

                    We will not agree. I accept that.

                    But I do not want my business partners, such as
                    the CWB, to act in a manner I view as
                    abhorrent, which is why I am so very grateful the
                    divorce from the CWB is final for many of us The
                    good news is you can stay married to that ugly
                    rotten bloody bitch for as long as you wish. Pars


                      Wilagro, no point whining about what maybe
                      could have been, its over.

                      The discussion is over, the monopsony is
                      over, it will not come back.

                      Time to move on.


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