Parsley: as Mr.Spock would say, your 'logic' is
completely 'illogical'. I sense there is less victory for
you in achieving an open market than in destroying
your arch enemy. Good luck in the future peddling
your organic snake oil bs. I expected more, but you
are just a vindictive little shrew who drinks too
much not so interested in building towards the
future compared to destroying and burying the
past, while stomping in triumph over the grave with
immortal self satisfaction. I'm actually more
interested in the challenges coming up and about
and the only ones I've seen looking ahead are
Charlie P. and Cott.
Go have a great day!
completely 'illogical'. I sense there is less victory for
you in achieving an open market than in destroying
your arch enemy. Good luck in the future peddling
your organic snake oil bs. I expected more, but you
are just a vindictive little shrew who drinks too
much not so interested in building towards the
future compared to destroying and burying the
past, while stomping in triumph over the grave with
immortal self satisfaction. I'm actually more
interested in the challenges coming up and about
and the only ones I've seen looking ahead are
Charlie P. and Cott.
Go have a great day!