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Friday Crop Report!

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    Friday Crop Report!

    Well were into harvest now boys.
    Heavy rain storm last night will stop
    the process today. Would have finished
    the God Damn Peas today and been done
    forever with them. I remember years ago
    friend in Melfort said we get to much
    rain to grow them and their not worth
    it. Well As with lentils were done with
    peas. One note dont over guess your
    production with contracts. We almost had
    to buy out contract because cant deliver
    enough product delivered seed plus our
    carryover. Peas will be crop insurance
    or wildlife damage due to Geese. Where
    the little buggers didnt get 40 where
    the little buggers did eat 0. They ate
    huge areas one field we finished a few
    days ago was black with ducks geese and
    mudhens last night. Its time for a cull.
    HRS would harvest a early quarter today
    but again heavy rainfall last night put
    that in the ditch. Spraying is starting
    on most early Durum and HRS, Winter
    wheat harvest is just about over with
    yields in 60s, lots of straw nothing in
    head, Politician wheat.
    Durum we will start spraying today if
    can keep a sprayer on top of the ground.
    Barley lots of early fields in district
    are being harvested, ones who pushed got
    most done and swaths were picked up.
    Ours is later seeded and needs 10 days
    till swathing. Thicker but needs time.
    Oats is starting to fill and moving up
    on the scale looks good. Just realized
    if I would have put all our pea acres
    into oats would be another 200,000. in
    my pocket. Oh well screw ups do happen.
    Canola is being swath and most are in
    full mode crop has issues with
    sclerotina and twisted and lodged and
    aster yellows and basically its a big
    fluffy swath of shit all. Will fit the
    platform on the pickup and trickle in.
    Later looks awsome, those who tried two
    apps of disease control now have a new
    problem, the crop is still flowering
    (yea I said flowering) or just shutting
    down. It is thick that deer and moose
    dont cross those fields but needs till
    mid sept to even come close to making
    Yields that we have heard of or seen.
    Peas 10 to 30 to shitty land yield of
    Winter wheat 60 and down.
    Barley 59 to 65.
    HRS west of us 40.
    Canola none harvested yet.
    Oats none harvested yet.
    Also one note seems its a over zealous
    real estate agent that has created all
    the increase in land values in our
    district. Telling all these guys he has
    buyers for thousands of acres latest
    offer is 249,000. for SHIT. Funny thing
    it seems all of the major sales from the
    past winter have F A I L E D> Calgary
    big wig didnt come true just rented
    farm. Chinese group of buyers promised
    the world and came back with half the
    money. Chinese Doctor cant find, all
    emails returned owner cant locate. AH
    life as we know it is back to what it
    should have been. Oh yea one sale did
    take place young man who purchase the
    three. Funny locals can make good yet
    when farmers sell they need a Real
    Estate agent to help them.

    Wonder if FCC is lending at ridiculous prices? If
    they are lending above the long- term cash flow
    levels, they are the bubble creators.

    Its not too long ago that there was not one crop
    you could seed and count on a positive margin.
    Now, all of a sudden land is worth 3 and 4 times
    as much because of why? Can we produce that
    much more? Are these prices going to hold? Are
    inputs going to be affordable? Is disease
    becoming the boogie man?

    Hope FCC doesn't put the industry in jeopardy.
    Someone has to keep a lid on this upward spiral.
    High land prices and cash rent are putting many
    at RISK.


      SF3 I hope you did a wildlife damage claim
      if that many peas were eaten. 40 vs. zero
      is alot of money, and crop insurance will
      measure what you got, vs. what was eaten
      and pay the difference.


        SF3. I wonder if the proposed changes to AgriStability has scared off some of the outsiders? It would be hard to milk the system with a 50% payout trigger.


          Plus there were will be cleaning charges on the harvested stuff. Guess if you hauled it all in on a contract would be hard to ask for cleaning. Thought you should have enough guys running around there to help keep the geese off? Scare cannons, garbage bag flags on a slat. Vehicle parked. Shit happens I guess. Since crop ins is paying you to bring the yield up to 40 then sounds like your going to make out ok not outstanding.


            Duck/goose/mudhen/deer/moose, hunting is a
            lot more fun than framing! Lighten up and
            get some, why don't ya...... Fill the
            freezer, f&8k angribusiness live offen the
            land fer a change. Mummmmmmmmmmmm, moose
            meat chili, best in the West and good fer
            ya to.


              SF3, you were insistent on not planting oats. I
              recall you bashing the end users that they were
              not paying enough. You have got to figure out
              what you are doing, sounds to me like changing
              rotations in hope for more money. Chasing the
              market with crops is not sound commodity


                As far as I know FCC does not inflate land prices.
                They wait for the buyer and seller to agree on a
                price before they even start the process.


                  Hobby your. Not quite up to speed are you. Grow
                  oats two buyers farmers are screwed. Some day
                  you would understand.
                  Let me clarify where the peas re awesome 40 the
                  Fricking geese even no where to eat leave the
                  shitty parts go for the best. As far as scare canons
                  etc if they just move two stos to the right when
                  combines go by a canon won't do it. Bto is correct
                  a big cull bang bang.


                    Sorry I meant burbot is correct boom boom. Dead.


                      Sorry about your luck.


                        nature has to screw everything up. you should be farming under glass.


                          Eating the critters that are eatin you
                          outta house and home, makes you an organic
                          framer. Dress the meat up wit some
                          dandelions and grass clippings and yous'll
                          liver fer ever I'm told..........


                            FCC used to use the productive capacity to lend
                            money, now they risk taxpayer money on inflated
                            prices agreed to, no matter the productive
                            capacity. Is this what I am hearing?

                            Scarey crap! I was there in 1981 when land
                            prices tripled only to fall right back down in a few
                            years. Some guys walked away from the land.
                            $1200 land went right down to $450 around us.
                            Wheat was sold for below the cost of production
                            for a long time.

                            I am not saying this will happen, but I am saying
                            it could.


                              They should be excited, but not in a positive way.
                              I think the premier may be trapped by yahoos. She can't
                              disapprove without seeming out of control of the cronyism and she
                              can't approve because it is obviously just wrong. BTW - my resume
                              is below

                              Qualifications - Yes
                              Training - Can do
                              Expected Salary - Negotiable from $100,00
                              Previous Experience - Many experiences in a variety of fields
                              Job Duties - Negotiable based on what I want to do


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