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CWB Thoughts

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    CWB Thoughts

    This post was in response to another who was
    comparing the CWB to Supply Management.

    Farmers want the best price for their product.
    Agricultural policy should produce this.

    Supply Management achieves this for farmers. The
    main reason it does is that the product has a shelf
    life that is minimal. We can't import milk from
    anywhere other than the US. Meaning that to
    implement SM policy, we only have to control the
    milk imports from the US.

    Also the physical aspects of milk has a lot to do
    with this. We as Canadians can consume enough
    milk to keep the market within Canada. Export is
    not (necessarily) needed.

    The production of milk is more controlled than the
    production of wheat. This is why a quota system is
    more appropriate than a monopoly system. Wheat
    farmers don't know if they will produce 20 or 70
    bushels of wheat per acre in a year. Whereas a cow
    consistently produces around the same amount of

    All of these points are arguable. However they are
    what our current SM system is built on.

    What I don't understand is how people think they
    can compare this system to the monopoly of a grain
    with virtually unlimited shelf life, and is not able to
    be consumed by our Canadian population alone.

    Using SM to affirm an argument that we don't have
    any "freedom" in this country is non-sensical. The
    systems can simply not be compared. The products
    are too different.

    I'm not saying that SM is perfect. It does achieve
    higher prices for farmers product. But at the price
    of locking ourselves into the SM system without the
    option to change. This is due to outrageous quota
    prices that will need to be answered for. As well as
    creating an enormous barrier to entry for new

    So how does this relate to the CWB?

    The control of the production of a product should
    bring more money into the pocket of the producer.

    If you look at the facts, the CWB has not directly
    achieved this for farmers over it's duration as a
    single desk. The thing that most anti-wheat
    boarders won't admit to, is that this is not the
    CWB's fault.

    There is nothing wrong with the concept. Pooling
    resources in many cases leads to better benefits for
    all involved. Giving more power to your product and
    more control over your price.

    Unfortunately the nature of the wheat product is
    that it can be stored for long periods of time, giving
    it the flexibility to be shipped, exported, or
    imported anywhere in the world. Therefore creating
    a situation where wheat can be acquired from any
    country at anytime, and most countries operate
    under a free market where prices are spread over
    many sellers.

    It really comes down to margins. There is not
    enough value added to our wheat, by pooling it, to
    justify having to pay another organization (the CWB)
    to market it for us. There is not enough of a
    "premium" price out there for our wheat to justify
    the cost of running a single desk organization.

    If every country had a wheat board. If every country
    sold all of their wheat through one medium and
    there were only a handful of wheat sellers in the
    world. A single desk marketing system would make
    sense. The world would have less sellers of the
    product. The price of that product would naturally
    increase. Sellers all around the world would have
    more control over the price of their product. We
    would need to have a single desk to compete..

    The problem is that other countries do not control
    the sale of their wheat through a single desk market
    organization. The rest of the world is in a free
    market situation. Giving countries that need to
    import wheat countless options for buying it.
    Competition creates lower prices.

    We are sending an organization (the CWB) into an
    impossible task. Find a better price for wheat in a
    free global market where there is countless
    competition. I feel sorry for the CWB in a way!

    This negates the need for a local policy to sell our
    wheat in bulk, as a pool. Why does a country need
    to buy wheat from Canada? They can get some from
    millions of sellers in the US, Australia, Europe,
    etc...For whatever price is the most economical.

    It is because of this that it does not make
    economical sense to employ hundreds of people in
    an attempt to achieve a higher price for our product
    that doesn't exist.

    Politics aside this is the main issue and why the
    CWB has never and never will have a "premium"
    wheat price for farmers.

    Great to have a new poster.

    Welcome to Agriville. The debate is over. We
    won!!! You never have to justify to a bunch of
    farmers again why you sell your grain the way you


      "The problem is that other countries do not control the sale of their wheat through a single desk market organization. The rest of the world is in a free market situation. Giving countries that need to import wheat countless options for buying it.
      Competition creates lower prices."?

      I hoped higher prices?

      I have heard the description that wheat is being harvested somewhere in the world everyday. Supply always available.


        With under 60 days supply its not getting very old. Not meant to counter any of your thoughts, just wanted to add.


          And if we held back our wheat from the market it was most likely some other country that was to benefit selling higher and growing more.


            Finally someone posting on Angriville who
            has some brains. BEWARE you will
            immediately become a target fer the yokels
            ***** going to swear at ya, call ya names
            and then troll ya. The goofs on this site
            are small minded and mean ta say the
            least. Ya'll bean warned........


              Burb, you forget who does the name calling.
              Basic human rights in a democracy tend to allow
              one to own and do what one wishes with his own
              property. Never would make any sense for you to
              tell me what to do with the fruit of my labour, not
              in a free world. Save your breath.


                "What I don't understand is how people think
                they  can compare this system to the monopoly
                of a grain ...."

                Two words bluecollar:

                Legislated force.


                  Remember save the wheat board on facebook? Big union trying to tell us farmers what is best for us.


                    "competition creates lower prices"

                    Ding ding ding give the man a lollipop and a kick in
                    the ass.

                    The whole point of a capitalists structure is to provide
                    the lowest price to the consumer thus making all
                    capital invested in all sectors operate at max

                    I don't want to by high priced toothpaste because the
                    government of toothpasteville decided we should
                    quota it,and i don't expect them to pay more for
                    wheat or eggs.

                    Let the chips fall,i even don't want my dollars paying
                    for diapers for oldsters or schooling for other peoples
                    retarded kids or handicap indians who snort meth all


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