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    Is facing a 3 billion dollar deficit.

    Shows how screwed we really are,if they can't balance who can?


    my frustration is this could be seen a
    long time ago, but the government runs
    right into the brick wall. how can you
    possibly plan a budget for $100 per
    barrel plus oil when the global
    economies are heading into a recession /

    why doesn't the Alberta government
    employ someone with global economic
    outlook perspective? simply shrugging
    your shoulders and saying it's not my
    fault due to falling oil prices doesn't
    cut it in today's world.



      I don't follow provincial budgets to closely but didn't
      they have balance with ralph whats my name klien
      when oil was sub 50?


        The media actively campaigned against the one party that was taking the financial problems seriously. The big cities followed like sheep (as well as northern Alberta).

        They got their wish and now they seem shocked that things are so bad!


          When your only getting 50 Cents from a barrel of oil - 1% royalty After costs are subtracted (oil sand royalty thanks to Ralph Klein)

          The ONLY ONES making HUGE SURPLUSes are the OIL COMPANIES and The Chinese gov't and as of today possibly the Kuwait gov't.

          Kinda of like farming and getting the fert. and chemicals for free.


            I really enjoyed watching Doug HORNIE,
            shrugging his shoulders and looking
            really really stupid last night on TV.
            He's a former gag minister in Albertie,
            soos finance is a natural fer him, duh
            goof ball extrodinare. Wes progressive
            conservatives, not just conservatives
            and we'll drive ya to ruin faster than
            everone else cousin wes deceitful and
            mean spirited. Our motto, shoot shovel
            and shudup, gotta have a pipeline I
            guess, ta really make some coin......


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