Just combining canola and wondering what others
think the final number will be. I know mine is at
least 10bu./acre under what it looks like. Talked
to a grain buyer yesterday who said other farmers
in the area are saying the same thing. I hear
Agriville and twitter farmers saying similar things.
My guess is we are looking at a Canadian crop of
14 million tonnes, maybe. I might be totally out to
lunch, but that's my WAG (wild ass guess).
think the final number will be. I know mine is at
least 10bu./acre under what it looks like. Talked
to a grain buyer yesterday who said other farmers
in the area are saying the same thing. I hear
Agriville and twitter farmers saying similar things.
My guess is we are looking at a Canadian crop of
14 million tonnes, maybe. I might be totally out to
lunch, but that's my WAG (wild ass guess).