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Guesses on the final numbers on Canola

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    Guesses on the final numbers on Canola

    Just combining canola and wondering what others
    think the final number will be. I know mine is at
    least 10bu./acre under what it looks like. Talked
    to a grain buyer yesterday who said other farmers
    in the area are saying the same thing. I hear
    Agriville and twitter farmers saying similar things.

    My guess is we are looking at a Canadian crop of
    14 million tonnes, maybe. I might be totally out to
    lunch, but that's my WAG (wild ass guess).

    Mine has been swathed 12 days ago and still green seeds very immature and wet. Not typical at all and not unexpected for the looks of the l150 not surprising shit looking stuff.
    did a half mile up and back and thinking when the shit dries up its not good not going to be good at all.


      What would your aster infestation be? Mine is like 20 to 50 percent so its bad.


        Swathing 5440 today and getting better the later I
        seeded. 1 st field harvested yesterday. Yellow
        aster at 40 percent and then the two plus inches
        twisted the shit out of it a month back. We gave it
        everything. Yield by wagon 18.9. Can you say
        WTF. I've being saying that all day. It was the
        worst when Swathing but long way to even get
        close to last years crop. It's starting to look like
        2002 or 204 all over again. Truckers are real


          in killarney area hearing a lot of 20-
          -25'some farmers 30. one of our better
          farmers got 35.


            14.4 is my wag. Canola yielding from low I have heard of 30 to high of 42. Never picked up a field myself under 35. L150 haha great variety. Ran out of 5440 with 10 acres left to go this spring so did a side by side with L150. The 150 looked ranker, taller and leaned over and lodged more. Result 150 = 34 bpa while 5440 beside it = 41 bpa. Im not sure how we got the yields we are getting with no rain since June 21st and endless summer heat.


              explain how you say 150 was a great variety? Sounds like a shit show to swath and yielded less.


                sarcasm hopper..


                  I suppose I am short on humour


                    L150 is a dud and to bad bayer is sticking with it.


                      JD green good on you for getting some
                      great yields. We will have 3 quarters
                      done for a total of just over 10000
                      bushels, Worst aster yellow damaged
                      fields. Get the shit done so don't have
                      to look at again. Yea that's 20.8. It
                      sucks! Bayer canola has issues in our
                      area. I'm sticking with my 14.6 but
                      starting to think 14 might be more
                      realistic. One neighbor two tandems of
                      160 acre field. Thats a $250,000.00
                      field that sold this spring. Yea its a
                      pay day.


                        I think it will be under 14!!
                        Lots of fields yielding 15 to 25.I think a lot of guys are using what the yield monitor is saying as well as only figuring harvested acres to bring the # up??
                        Statscan was given 160 seeded acres/quarter and now guys figuring yield on 120/130 acres that produced something and maybe knocking a few acres off for that "bad spot that never really grows much anyway".
                        Dockage/pepper seeds on some is higher than normal and hearing lots of light bushel weights.
                        Moisture running 3 to 6% so losing bushels there over the scales as well.
                        Wind is doing damage now as lots of stuff is holding at 4 to 10% green counts. I think alot of acres were cut a week or more early as disease and bugs were making it look alot more ripe
                        than it actually was.
                        Had been getting 45 to 60 the past 3 years here.
                        Havem't got into the little that we have that was seeded after the 10 day rain delay. It looks like it may make 30?? Pods are short and really not that many of them for how rank it looked from the road.
                        We have all 5440 this year (all 8440 or 5440 past 4 years) tried That Crap L150 last year!!! extremely dificult to cut, slow to combine and less yield.
                        Not sure what to do next year?? 5440 seed is likely to be mostly 2 and 3 year old production with some new stuff from this year blended in?? This years seed seemed weak as it was?
                        I think Bayer is going to loose 30 to 50% of their sales unless they offer some VERY good rebates/deals/free trips etc!! Has anyone grown the L120 this year??
                        It sounded like the only one of the L-series that may be able to give 75% of what Invigours did in the past.


                          Add water to your canola before you deliver it.
                          Many farmers are now doing it, especially at $14
                          per bu.


                            Grainbeetle exactly how is water being added?


                              I believe adding water is illegal. Maybe
                              just an FDA rule that calls it adulterated
                              grain and not in Canada, anyone know?


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