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Seed company liability limitations

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    Seed company liability limitations

    Quote by fj:

    Yes weather was the major influence in
    canola crop this year, however some
    varieties are total losers. Dekalb 7345
    on adjoining quarters with 7375 and 5440
    is half the crop, thin, flat on the
    All had same weather, fertilizer, weed
    free start.
    Any one use Backtrack Investigations?

    End quote.

    When does the liability and or
    responsibility of Dekalb, Pioneer, Bayer
    etc end? If it has a germination of
    greater than 90%, like the seeds act
    says, is it sufficient?

    I see the whole industry going out of
    control, seed investigations at harvest?

    I guess if we want to pay 20 bucks a
    pound for seed, lets keep pushing the
    fact that we as farmers, nature,
    technique etc aren't the 95% of yield

    The responsibility and risk of the
    farmer is wrongly being transferred to
    the seed company because we don't want
    to take responsibility for ensuring a
    variety is stable and a consistent
    performer. We have lost the simple
    concept of buyer beware and do some
    research and personal trials before you
    commit to a new variety.

    Farmers try to grow 5 years of canola in
    dirt loaded with disease, then they
    blame the seed company. Really?

    Where and when does the responsibility
    of the seed company end?

    Oh those poor seed companies 10 bucks a pound are you kiddin. I agree with fjlp when you have side by side same everything and one variety is 50 100 or 200 bucks an acre less, something is wrong otherwise they can stick their variety checks and false advertising up their asses and pay for it as well. I had the same problem with 7345 as you fjlp last year cost me over 80,000 compared to other rr and liberty varieties. Should have done something about it. I have heard good results from back track but can get expensive make sure you have all your facts in order and you think you have a case before you hire jmho. I regret not doing something about it last year in my situation.


      First of all they weren't side by side,
      they were different fields. Put in a
      proper trial then comment on 'the same'

      And your neighbour probably had the
      opposite results with 7345 doing better
      then other RR and Lib varieties. when
      did you spray? I see people spraying
      almost to or at bloom. Loss of up to 40%
      can occur just by a single dumbass move
      like that. Should seed company
      compensate for that too? Or swath when
      its silage green cuz "we got so many
      acres we gotta do it that way" and lose
      anothe 10 to 20% yield.

      Question is, again, where should the
      liability of the seed company stop.
      Because someone screws up a field should
      the seed company pay for it?



        I agree there is no way it is fair to blame seed co's.

        We had the same variety of Canola... pasted to the ground and short... 1 mile away was 4 feet high and a near perfect crop. Planted the same day. The short crop was even sprayed with proline. No difference where it was not... did 100ac of 140. Same fertility... and crop history for the last 4 years.

        That is not the variety's fault... nor has anything to do with the seed co.



          I believe we are seeing a variety of different performance issues due to increased disease pressure. I guess the message is: Check beyond the yield per acre line when selecting a variety. Perhaps seed more than one variety as we never know what pressures are fields are going to have when we seed. This year it was dry when we seeded, nearly 30 inches later and still raining today, the story is told.


            Agree wd9 with your thoughts. Way too many farmers want to point fingers avery where when things do not turn out, instead of looking at the real factors happening in their choices and feilds. As for DKL 73-45 , it has had weak legs from day one, but still yeilds good under low disease presure. But other r/r yeild as good or better and stand up much better. If you understand that you should also know that it will go down bad in high disease years. I still am baffled why guys that had it last year , bitched about it being short , then grew it again?? " They gave me a hell of a deal on the seed" -do ya think!!


              All Comedian framers want is a level
              playing field. Then we kin compete wit
              the best of dem. Now we got it, wes
              wants seed company liability? Never
              gonna happen, million reasons to deny
              any all claims, weather er not ya like
              it, framer probably did somethin wrong,
              like kept poor records, didn't no what
              he was doin, etc, etc......... Good
              luck seed company liability, gimme a
              break, you could only wish fer such an


                I think the heat combined with a dry spell took its
                toll this year. We grew 73-45 in the same field as
                45H31 and I can't see any difference on the yield
                map between the two in the combine.

                I'm not changing my rotation based on one bad
                year. Just one of those years. Next year it'll be


                  You dont, think there are different lots of seed that are crappy left over from year previous etc etc. My 7345 was side by side and disease was not a factor did not seed those fields year prior had wheat and peas previous years so more than 4 year rotation. You guys must like it up the ass, next time I get some shit seed I'll keep some and sell it for 15 bucks a pound to you because that way you'll believe its better. lol


                    to all you seed growers posting on this topic **** you.


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