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organic food

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    Yeah I remember those LD50's from my university course and probably other places as well. One of the reasons why I switched from the ordinary, most readily available table salt to himalayan salt several years ago. I'm assuming that who ever did the LD50 of table salt how many years ago probably used the conventional table salt since that has been the most wide spread, commonly found salt for my lifetime anyways.

    Perhaps there should be warning labels on those salt shakers then.


      It's fascinating, for the big farms around here, it's
      one more time with the sprayer, then we can
      Same bunch of farmers describe that roundup is
      just a salt mixture and that you can drink it. I have
      yet to see one of these clever felllows drink
      glyphosate. Yet, it's not dangerous. That's really
      unusual. I think I am going to carry a litre in my
      truck so they can prove to the public it can be
      drank. Then I would be convinced and definitely
      go back to spraying glyphosate.


        hobby farmer, i once heard a story about
        when monstanto used to hold meetings at
        the time round up first came out stating
        how safe it was, a man could drink a
        gallon and not have any problems. A
        farmer walked up to the podium poured
        two glasses of roundup and told the rep
        that he would drink it if, the other guy
        did first. Needless to say he wouldnt
        drink it.

        I dont think this 'study' is going to
        faze any of the current organic
        consumers as they are self educated
        about the harmful chemicals found in/on
        food these days. I will agree that
        conventional products are just a nutritious as a organic product but I
        would like a nutritional study done on
        the herb/pest/fung -icides that conventional food products are dosed

        Too me its another study funded and
        produced by 'corporate food' and shared
        by 'corporate media' across North
        America. We've seen it before, and we'll
        see it again. Feed your family what YOU
        feel is healthy/safe not what someone
        else tells you to!


          Pour farmer, agreed well said.
          One of the rules of business is, "the customer is
          always right".
          Unless you are a farmer who thinks the customer
          is stupid, and should eat what's put in front of
          them because their customer doesn't know
          anything about some of the "good" chemicals
          they use on the crops. Then, that rule does not
          I have Homer Simpsons voice in my
          head..."stupid customers, with their stupid
          disposable income. Think they are so smart with
          all their spending habits and stuff!


            "corporate study" done by " corporate food". I love
            how organic proponents never seem to
            acknowledge the fact that the organic industry
            also has a lot of large "corporate " entities that will
            defend their profit as much as non organic
            corporations do. I don't believe many organic
            consumers will change there view on this because
            there view was never based off of facts in the first
            Place,it's just fear they are going off of. And
            whenever you show studies that undermine there
            claims they just say its all part of a large
            conspiracy by "big food"So its pretty much
            impossible to change anyones mind over this.


              I am not trying to change anyone's minds here. I
              am growing and selling to people who know what
              they want.
              Some farmers do not want want to follow the
              WalMart business model, so they grow and sell
              their production to a different target market. I do
              not want to compete with the last 9 farmers in 2
              municipalities. They are far more clever, efficient,
              low cost producers than I ever will be! I am cool
              with that.


                I am not trying to change anyone's minds here. I
                am growing and selling to people who know what
                they want.
                Some farmers do not want want to follow the
                WalMart business model, so they grow and sell
                their production to a different target market. I do
                not want to compete with the last 9 farmers in 2
                municipalities. They are far more clever, efficient,
                low cost producers than I ever will be! I am cool
                with that.


                  Runoff, I agree with your statement, there are big
                  corporate organic companies protecting their
                  profit. The end users have to make profit so they
                  can be successful to buy my organic production
                  next year.
                  In a perfect world, I should be processing and
                  direct marketing my own production. So far, I am
                  too busy and lazy to make this happen. I have
                  been organizing thoughts to get there.


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