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RM elections

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    And even consider these facts

    A deemed "sufficient" Petition for a Referendum received by a municipal council. Council obviously decided they preferred not to have a vote.......aplied to Court of Queens Bench Chambers for "direction"......petitioner's representative served with court documents........requirement to engage lawyer in court in such cases where acting as other people's representative....... judge gives near instantaneous ruling that "vote be held as Act requires and awards costs.

    So council gets revenge of sticking petitioners supporters with the $2901 shortfall because of the "legal tariff schedule". Remember all these costs (and the undisclosed council legal bills) was all entirely precipitated in whole by council's actions.
    These defenders of statutory rights remain out of pocket $2901 of paid legal bills; and while they have clarified the law for future .......anyone could have come to the same conclusion by reading the Municipalities Act of Sask.

    Good government? Poor losers? Which side should you be on?

    More importantly would you continue to support incumbents or would such examples be seen as trivial and divisive in the community?


      When it becomes the norm to have no rebuttals, no sustantive debate; attempts to shut down "forums" for spreading one's opinions and views, abuses of power; using ratepayer's resources to only present council's position and propaganda..... is that acceptable government?.


        oneoff; If you do not run for council, I for one will no longer waste my time reading your posts.


          I agree. You can't show up at meetings and spend countless hours
          griping about the secrecy of your RM council, to not run.

          It would be the ultimate in hypocrasy and would prove you are just
          another coffee row complainer.


            And grrr if you don't tell me what you would look for (and would support)in a candidacy (such as mine); I wouldn't waste my time trying to represent someone such as yourself.


              If someone gives accurate and true details about specific major municipal infractions; and you can't agree that that situaion should be seen as inexcusable and intolerable; then you have revealed a lot about yourself.

              Maybe you need special security forces at your next election; and maybe you deserve to be taken to court (without any reasonable good cause) by some unfriendly local government.

              Because trust me its already happened relatively near to you.


                Your just going to have to accept the fact that fascism
                has taken over all levels of government,politico's and
                company use government for personal gain,look what
                happened in moose jaw that never made the news.

                The only thing that bothers me is that people who are
                not morally corrupt keep giving the system legitimacy
                by continuing to vote.

                The people who vote are as smart as the people who
                drank jim jone"s koolaid.


                  Our generation sure left a screwed up world for
                  the next generation. Cheap money has enticed
                  everyone to be a non- saver, over extended.

                  If the marketplace could set the interest rate
                  without governments screwing with it, we would
                  have a stable world.

                  As for grain bonds, they dont have strength
                  because no one actually puts up cold cash for
                  the bond. Governments dont police the contracts
                  nor the overbought product. Farmers dont really
                  know if THEIR grain is listed on the report.


                    The biggest complainers are the ones who never
                    let their name stand for election.

                    They love to sit back and say council does this
                    wrong and that wrong. Stand up and make a
                    difference if you think it is so easy. Its a
                    democracy we live in here in Canada.


                      As this discussion illustrates; there is next to zero willingess to express what a municipal voter finds reprehensible in their elected officials. It makes one wonder if council actions are just a reflection of how the majority wish to behave in the same way.
                      If the main public event of the year is a $6000 plus budget for an annual golf tournament; then maybe thats where majorities priorities exist. I sincerely hope it is not. But it might very well be important in a voters thinking their public business has very little gravity.

                      If council members see their position as an opportunity to create work jobs for themselves so that their remuneration can continue its exponential growth; then it is wrong; but obviously tolerated.

                      In fact to point these infractions out, apparently only brings the messenger into question.

                      The fact is that there are no workable checks and balances in rural municipal politic (at least in some cases). When outnumbered by family mebers and close friends; it is not a matter of selecting the best candidate; but rather a forgone conclusion of the number ofblood relatives and your circle of social friends.
                      In provincial and federal politics, there are opposition parties; newspapers who comment through editorials, stories and political comment. There are ombudsmen, auditor generals and staff who oversee politicians; and the public who feels free to chastise their representatives.

                      In rural politics the numebers are too few, and personal relationships to close and so almost everyone concludes that it is not worth making "enemies" by becoming involved in any way. The enemies mainly come from intolerance, envy and cowardice.

                      But this works well for those in power. They have no problems getting whatever they need; but there is no way to ensure that anyone else gets the same decision; for their same situation.

                      For next to the last time; is anyone willing to say that they would support anyone who thinks it essential to have some ratepayer meetings; absolutely publicising and broadcasting open council meetings; leaving administration to hired personelle; spending tax money first on priorities of roads, infrastructure and services that are within council's jurisdiction and making life easier for ratepayers; rather than becoming a difficult impediment.


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