To those of you who are unhappy with the state of your current rm council, pick up nomination papers, get a rate payer in the division you are running in to sign and run for election !! I feel for those RM who dont have enough turn over in coucillors. In my own we had 2 new ones last year and im told it will be at least two retiring this year. Many councillors will gladly step aside if someone else puts their name in. I believe many wait till the last day of nominations to put their name in expecting someone else to step forward.
I see alot of people on this website seemingly unhappy with the current state of their RM's and never run, too busy, not enough time etc , etc. Its time to step up boys and girls.
I see alot of people on this website seemingly unhappy with the current state of their RM's and never run, too busy, not enough time etc , etc. Its time to step up boys and girls.