Wonder what if anything happens when the RR and liberty canola tumbles and rolls onto the organic fields, that must have happenned with this wind somewhere today? Is there legal issues?
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Organic not organic after this wind
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This is the same legal issue every farmer has with
RR technology. It has contaminated areas where
we do not want it. In previous posts there was talk
about RR canola in the flower beds etc. Monsanto
owns the technology, makes the farmer pay for
the use of it, but otherwise avoids the
I have 2 BTO neighbors beside me with canola in
the fences. Good thing we still have those crappy
old fence lines!
I do not sympathize with these neighbors, they
had their panties Ina knot so bad because the
spray plane for worms would not go anywhere
near organic farmland! each one, on separate
occasions approached me suggesting I sign a
waiver so the spray plane could spray for worms.
The solution was to use their ground sprayer. Of
course they didn't like that idea!
Now, looking a a fence full of canola, I wonder if
they are thinking, "I should have sprayed more".
Hobby: Sad but true... Best made plans can be laid waste when Mother Nature unleashes her fury in an untimely manner with wind, rain, frost, heat, you pick it. Who needs Vegas?
Orgasmic framing is bullsh-t based, just
like conventional framing. Wink, wink,
smile, smile, crop is short, they'll buy
ANYTHING they kin get their hands on this
year. Hungry world, all bets er off, when
its time ta eat, eater!!!!!!!! But you
did make a good point, ifn polluted wit
neighbours crop, probably ya should sue
em, fer damages, fer this year and years
ta come, eh........
As a organic farmer I am very concerned
about my fields being polluted by RR or
liberty canola... I think RR canola is
the new weed of the prairies. I also
have it all over my yard now as well. Is
there anything that can be done about
this? Class action lawsuit against
Monsanto? Or maybe the farmers that took
out every god damn tree in sight.
I cant get over the fact these guys pull
out shelter belts planted by their ancestors to prevent crops blowing away
and wind erosion, then they bitch up and
down about how they're crops blew away
and now crop insurance premiums are
going up.
Yup gotta a sue Monsantoes too, along
with polluting framer. Butt Monsantoes
has huge deep pockets and will fight,
fight, fight ya ta the bitter end, hopin
ya'll die before anything is settled.
Reality bites, butt orogamie guys/gals
have a lot at stake too, ifn theys been
polluted, for years ta come. Smile,
smile, wink, wink.... Maybe the birds
carried er excreted the seeds on yer
land. Get some photos quick while its
still blown, better yet motion
pics....... ah gottem by the curlies
Pour Farmer how do you know them canola plants are RR or LL did you try to spray them by any chance??? Your organic right but you claim its the RR and LL that is causing those volanteers to be there. If your nieghbour grew conventional would those same canola plants not still be there? Just conventional instead?
I know roughly what is on each quarter
near my fields just from talking to the neighbouring farmers.
My sarcasm of about suing Monsanto didnt
come through obviously... it was suppose
to be, 'what can a guy do? sue
monstanto?yea right'
I dont care of it if conventional canola
or gmo canola same shit. another weed i
dont need to deal with. The problem with
gmo stuff is harder for you conventional
farmers to get rid of, harder for my RM
to get rid of, so it will propagate
around the country side.
Sorry my organic kochia ended up on your
side of the fence, at least you can
spray it in crop and get rid of it. What
can i do?
last paragraph was suppose to be: what can
i do when rr or ll canola ends up in my
field? not what can i do about about
kochia in your pea fields.
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