A fellow I know hired some foreigners to
assemble some equipment. They were greatful
and invited my uncle and his wife over for dinner.
My uncle asked them how they were coping with
the grocery prices. They chearfully responded
that groceries are so cheap here and opened
their cupboard door which revealed shelves full
of dog food. See they thought dog food was dog
meat which they were accustomed to eating and
it is so cheap.
Also the bathtub had a layer of mung beans
sprouting. You see its all relative.
assemble some equipment. They were greatful
and invited my uncle and his wife over for dinner.
My uncle asked them how they were coping with
the grocery prices. They chearfully responded
that groceries are so cheap here and opened
their cupboard door which revealed shelves full
of dog food. See they thought dog food was dog
meat which they were accustomed to eating and
it is so cheap.
Also the bathtub had a layer of mung beans
sprouting. You see its all relative.