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Liberty 5440

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    Liberty 5440

    Local Retailer called today telling me they are selling out of 5540, only $11.80 a lb. Comes with free tube of KY if you buy a skid. Didn't know Bayer made KY.

    Saskfarmer3: didn't you say you ordered yours? I hope you didn't pay anywhere near that. How many lbs./ac can you get away with seeding with a precision drill? Is that why they keep ratcheting the price up? At 3.5 lbs/ac @ $11.80 is $41.30. Looks like they could charge about $14.28 to equal the $50.00/ac seed cost we've become accustomed to. HANG ON BOYS AND GIRLS!!!

    This year should have been a reality check. For some, yields were slammed by disease and wind. I for one won't be getting all my expenses back and bore all the risk.

    3 lbs a acre for years but I paid less than that. But
    we're dropping liberty to less than half our acres.
    Plus we're dropping canola acreage in 2013 to
    3300 and keeping it their. Every third year. Soy
    canola and hrs. Would be my rotation if had a
    variety that was strong. Have to wait for soy. I'm
    done pushing canola.


      Soooos yas tellin us that yous dropping
      canolie from yer acres. Current price is
      pretty great and yer droppin er duhhhhhhh,
      soos everone else to cousin wes all
      goofballs to ya right wes all gonna
      dropper causa you, ya think not........


        I told a local retailer that they're going to have to give out Viagra to sell seed this fall because the erection is gone.

        Heard today a first time soybean grower got into his field and watched his monitor read near 50 bu/ac. This in an area that likely had some of the worst canola in the country. I expect to see MUCH less yellow next summer.


          Do what ever you want burpfart I don't care!
          We're dropping canola this year pissed me off!
          That's 40 years of ****seed canola it's time to
          move to soy? The retarded step sister is done.


            Actually their is six quarters around us and at 30
            plus soy canola will be losing acres.


              Are there any Bayer DST's with 5440 and
              any of the L series side by side?

              Brilliant of Bayer to remarket an old
              variety because, "the customer is always
              right" simply because speculation has run
              amuck. Go Bayer go.

              How many dollars a pound before you add up
              to sucker?


                1500 5440 1500 L150 1000 RR. Side by side
                seeded early mid late l150 sucks.


                  So, when they resurrect 5440 because of the demand and they found some are willing to pay $11.80, what will be their justification for the price. What was it worth when it was first introduced? Increased production costs? Bigger and better "dealer" parties? We are our own worst enemies. When will the risk outweigh the reward? Wake up, fools in the making.


                    I won't go under 5 lbs with my seedmaster, seems frost or cut worms take out a chunk of the plants. Was thinking if prices go nuts I may not plant any canola. Last year there were still plenty of good RR varieties to choose from so may look at that. Just don't know what to plant in place of the canola yet, Flax? Peas? Second crop wheat? One thing for sure if plant wheat or flax the planting seed bill will be 100,000 dollars less. Chemical bill also less.


                      hey hopper been to canada a few times
                      llydminister and cochin and strasberg??
                      mostly mostly cattle ranches but you
                      guys dont double crop wheat?
                      is there not much money in wheat
                      comparitively please dont take that to a
                      single desk argument you know my views.
                      legume canola wheat wheat legume canola
                      wheat wheat is quite common in australia
                      legume usually peas or chickpeas lupins
                      or vetch lentils if you have the


                        Hopperbin, try 9553 for canola I got
                        a lot more bushels of big plump seed
                        outta that field than you thought I
                        would... !

                        We're going to be growing a Polish
                        hybrid next to 9553 for 2013... Much
                        lower seed cost and deliver end of July
                        / start of August.


                          Back in the days before RR and Liberty when the yellow mustard and cleavers showed up my dad just grew Wheat Wheat Fallow. The first crop wheat very little N if any produced a 40 bushel crop lots of straw. Second crop wheat was typically 30 bushel or little less with under 50 lbs of N. We cannot get away with such little N these days and learned when we upped it the yields also went up. Those were the days when farmers were typically spraying muster, lontrel, with treflan pre emergent applied for the Canola, was expensive at the time but can remember the seed was well under a buck a pound resale sometimes in the 5 dollar range. Dad did OK doing that and the fields were kept clean with the wheat wheat fallow. I had a quarter of second crop soft wheat last year that did every bit as good as the first crop beside it, was combining 2 fields into one and this is continuous cropping now. Typically I think we need to rotate. Also back in the day I remember a guy planting barley on barley and typically getting malt every year. He switched from 6 to 2 row varieties for the second crop and it worked for him.


                            Hopper: I appreciate the advancements in technology. But my thoughts are that has been bought and paid for a long time ago. If it smells and oinks like a pig its a pig, plain and simple.


                              Seed in canola is getting way out of hand and the
                              only way to get them to listen is quit growing the
                              shit. Simple tell bayer and RR to f&@koff its my
                              farm and were sick of being f$&ked.
                              Sorry 11 or 12 a lb for substandard shit varieties
                              is BS.
                              Bring on soy etc or just go back to hrs, peas, oats
                              and throw in some lentils and flax and good bye
                              retarded sister canola?
                              They screwed up the system they screwed up a
                              great crop and can live with farmers telling them
                              to go to hell?
                              I'm. Sick and tired of getting it in the a$$ from
                              chem fert suppliers!


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