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What Has Ex Gag Min BERGER Done Lately

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    What Has Ex Gag Min BERGER Done Lately

    Wonder what the ex gag minister has done
    fer Albertie lately, in his consultin
    role? Other than wallow at the public
    trough, picking up his huge pay cheque,
    week in and week out. Ethics
    commissioner says Berger is a goodun,
    and broke no rules in conservative
    Albertie, losin election, and his seat,
    while taken a job, in Gag which is no
    apparent conflict. What Alberrtie needs
    in an ethics commissioner with

    Burbert: Maybe one with her ovaries nearing retirement would be more effective!!

    (Pardon me Parsley)


      When they created the job for Evan Berger there was no job description. It was a pure pork barrel position designed to keep the money flowing to one of their boys.
      Since then, Alberta Ag has decided Mr. Berger will be in charge of catching all the rats coming in from Saskatchewan and convincing young people to become farmers!
      The ethic commissioner is Neil Wilkerson, former CEO of Capital Health. In his former job he signed the scandulous expense checks for the elites over at Capital Health.....talk about putting the fox in charge of the hen house!
      Only in Alberta...


        But, but, but...he is only getting $120,000 a year for his new job. Even with a car allowance, pension benefits, performance bonuses and that nice provision for severance he probably isn't making nearly as much as the average private sector consultant.

        Come on...don't be so tough on this guy after all he just got defeated in the last election and needs support both moral and financial. We are a caring society...aren't we?


          Nothing useful for sure. This kind of
          corruption needs to stop before we join
          the third world. I tried to do my part
          by voting WR but even here in AB the
          public sector unions run the place.


            Qualified??? He was ag min for a whopping 4 months!
            I'm waiting to see where Arno Doerksen ends up. Wait,
            wait - possibly in a brand new trade office in some
            developing market like Honolulu or San Diego.


              Us Alberties are sooooooo stupid,
              corruption like this wood not be
              tolerated, fer example on the left coast
              in BC. Heads wood roll, the popppulation
              wood rise up and rebell. Not in tired old
              Albertie corruption rules, crooks prevail
              in this backwoods, backward
              province........ Embarassing conservative


                This sort of corrupt sh*t makes me wanna
                pay more, and more taxes, soos the fat
                a@@hole politicos kin live a full fat ass
                lifestyle. Well you only get what you pay
                for, if ya want the best ya gotta pay for
                it. Apparently Berger is the best, a
                tired old reeve from some County in
                Albertie that had a farm in it, so yeah he
                is totally an expert on framing, or at
                least bovine scattology fer sure.....


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