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    This always happens at harvest time in
    Comedia, cousin guys/gals gotta pay bills,
    soos they gotta sell at any price. Hence
    the market steals from framers each and
    every year at this time...........


      Haliburton was right in there telling the U.S that they had to go into Iraq thru their lead man Dick Cheney.
      They consequently got most of the contract without bid and made millions for their shareholders and Dick.


        Who pays the people that pull the triggers.


          Haliburton was the cause of the Iraq war! OMG. Tell
          me I'm paraphrasing that wrongly.


            Haliburton was one of the main companies that benefitted in the rebuild. No need to bid our man Dick just 'gives us the contract'


              In Iraq For the first time in war history there were actually more contract soldiers than gov't issue soldiers.


                So the government or more accurately many
                governments go in kill and maim a lot of people and
                you are pissed that Haliburton didn't go through an
                approved bidding process? Come on, get your
                priorities straight.

                Are you really more concerned about the people, or
                the money? Especially other people's money.


                  There must have been a sale on tin foil hats at wal-mart today!


                    Mustardman I'll give you this, In the mythical world
                    where I was king, Dick Cheney wouldn't have the
                    power as a member of government to hand out back
                    room deals to the ol' boys. This Haliburton deal (if it
                    is true) is a prime example of why governments
                    need more limitations put upon them.


                      Coleville , thats the problem the gov'ts are getting more restrictions Put on them but not from we the people....


                        Mustardman has been watching a bit too much
                        Michael Moore!!


                          I would rather have the market steal it then the


                            FWIW - We took soys off here yesterday and were absolutely shocked by the yields. After having only half a crop of hay and a corn crop that has been obviously damaged by a record dry summer, our soys ran far above any yields we have ever had and maybe almost for this area.

                            And there are more guys that are finding that the beans seem to be coming from nowhere. The size of the seed might about the only explanation, so the late rain must have helped out that way.

                            There are also some disasters - 20 -25 bu. as expected, but so far guys are getting some big surprises on the good side.

                            I realize that the soy crop in Ontario does not a market make but like I said - FWIW.


                              Dammit on 16,weak bounce now we crashed
                              through,maybe 15 50 will hold but it doesn't feel like


                                They say when a man gets thirsty his mind
                                goes, Hm mustard i didnt know it was that
                                dry their.


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