I hate taking the risk of storing canola all winter. Some went in the bin hot and a little on the green side so lots of risk IMO.
This is what we are are going to do.
Bunge has a 10 under Nov12 for October delivery canola. Nov12 to March13 carry is only 2.4/mt making my basis -12.4 off March13 futures. I can go all the way out till July and gain $13.9/mt making my basis a 3.9 off July.
So basically we can haul in 1500 mt of canola in October, 750 mt we have until the end of Feb to price @ -12.4 off March13 futures and 750 mt @ 3.9/mt off July13 futures. I can price it at any time throughout the winter , don't have to check bins, move grain around, don't have to try and start cold augers.
I can price it and have cash in my had the same day i price it.
IMO this is no brainer. Why would i keep it in the bin all winter?
This is what we are are going to do.
Bunge has a 10 under Nov12 for October delivery canola. Nov12 to March13 carry is only 2.4/mt making my basis -12.4 off March13 futures. I can go all the way out till July and gain $13.9/mt making my basis a 3.9 off July.
So basically we can haul in 1500 mt of canola in October, 750 mt we have until the end of Feb to price @ -12.4 off March13 futures and 750 mt @ 3.9/mt off July13 futures. I can price it at any time throughout the winter , don't have to check bins, move grain around, don't have to try and start cold augers.
I can price it and have cash in my had the same day i price it.
IMO this is no brainer. Why would i keep it in the bin all winter?