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Reflections on 2012 Harvest!

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    Reflections on 2012 Harvest!

    Well by noon today the 2012 harvest will
    come to a end on our farm. Almost 40
    strait days. Hot windy and dry. Frost
    came late.
    Yields I'm not getting into since every
    one knows my feelings on the 2012 crop.
    What I noticed this year is interesting.
    200lbs or 11 51 makes nice plants but doesn't bring hills back. Will try again
    on test area.
    Sulphur is a nutrient we should be
    looking more and more into adding to
    every thing.
    Any one who was a coffee shop farmer in
    our area and not out till noon and
    seeded all in June looks like a hero.
    Any one who busted their ass and seeded
    as early as possible had shit.
    Cereals has problems with aster yellow
    and leaf hopper. Major crop loss is from
    this grading a 1 and 2 so fusarium is a
    non issue this year.
    Canola big healty plants till mid july
    then all hell broke loose. Aster yellow
    damage at 40 percent. Late crops better.
    Barley is a shit show in this area all
    is light and ugly looking.
    Oats came out ok but not our best yield
    ever. It was Ok.
    So lots of straw and a average cerial
    Canola lots of material and below
    average year.
    Barley below average with lots of
    material to trash.
    Peas are loosing ground and will see
    probably only a few fields next year.
    Soy looks good and harvest will just
    Here is a summary, we have 12 bags left
    unused in the shed that's how much lower
    our 2012 production was from 2011.
    The one bright spot in the 2012 harvest
    was how the hell can the rain stop and
    not come for over 7 weeks. One fall to
    Still I would like to see a dry winter
    with very low precipitation to help
    clean up all the water mess from last
    five year.
    Fall work is happening all over. watch
    out burning stubble this fall.

    Just to note, why 7 weeks of no rain, nice weather? Its all about weather engineering, especially in the states. Please check you tube www.witwats.com about full documentary HD "Why in the world are they spraying?" They are controlling the weather, thats why. All the increased asthma, immunual disorders, it explains.


      SF3, last year Sept was zero precip here too.
      Fields are dry on top, sticky wet muck below and very lumpy if cultivated.
      The many hard rains and hail storms compacted the shit out of the soil.
      Spikes or sweeps are wearing off in a few acres. Anhydrous may not seal.
      Hate to even think we need a rain to soften soil to till.
      Really need a dry year not just a month.


        yes later was better here too.
        west central sask.
        nice harvest
        now figure out what to do with
        sprayer ruts



          Sometimes you have to be lucky than good.

          I was slowed down in the spring due to wet and coffeed alot. I am pretty ****ing happy with harvest. Just flax to go.

          Quit raining on everyone's parade.

          Mother nature will humble the best of farmers occasionally.


            Bucket I'm not raining on every ones parade. You
            had a great crop excellent that's what I like to
            here. But for the most part sask and Manitoba had
            a average to below. Seeding late worked and I
            know I was pissed to not be done by the may long
            and guess what the later stuff is way better. So
            yes luck is probably right their after Mother
            Most in east sask have had years of over
            moisture and now aster yellow so our ha ha is
            kind of off. We will all be back in 2013, keep it dry
            this is a awesome fall. No snow and that will be
            the icing on the cake.
            Soy will replace canola in east sask eventually
            and canola will be back as minor oil crop IMHO.
            Good on every one who had a bumper you
            deserve it.


              Nope didn't have a great harvest. But I
              am happy with the results all things


                I know you had same results like the rest of us,
                just Mother Nature can wreck the best layed plan!
                hat gets me is this all July and August BS from
                our sask ag and food etc on how big this crop was
                going to be, why not call a spade a spade.
                Average at best. Canola will be 12.876


                  Done and ended on a high note Z5603


                    Seeding with wheat with sweeps netted 10-15 bu/acre more than 3/4" knife. Wheat overall was a third above average, canola half average, peas 15% below average, sclerotinia loves fields that have hail 2-3 times, wheat will generate more cash flow than canola.


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