Well aren't funds and speculators fun!
are we all having fun yet. China takes a
week holiday and the shit hits the fan.
Simple marketing what has changed the
answer is not a fu$%ing thing. Canada
has shit Australia froze the USA cant
pull a crop out of its ass this time and
the world is hopping no praying that
Brazil and Argentina will grow a crop by
Ah what a wonderful world.
Buying inputs for next year is not going
to take place. Growing canola at today
costs is putting the crop in negative
Why would USA farmers pump up fertilizer
use next year if they didn't use what
was put in ground this year. Do you
remember the 80s in a drought the
fertilizer doesn't leach. So again why
pump fertilizer use. Nice marketing fert
Simple crop plan for 2012.
Oats 3300 acres at 50lbs fert and some
Peas 1300 acres no fert and still have
enough pursuit from USA for twice that
2700 acres HRS soil tests say didn't use
as much as we thought so cut back. Who
cares if we grow a crop or not.
2700 acres Canola min inputs go for a 25
since that's all these new varieties can
Cuts to cost per acre. Total
$435,000.00. or 43.50 an acre.
Fert chem (chem back to lower rates)
are we all having fun yet. China takes a
week holiday and the shit hits the fan.
Simple marketing what has changed the
answer is not a fu$%ing thing. Canada
has shit Australia froze the USA cant
pull a crop out of its ass this time and
the world is hopping no praying that
Brazil and Argentina will grow a crop by
Ah what a wonderful world.
Buying inputs for next year is not going
to take place. Growing canola at today
costs is putting the crop in negative
Why would USA farmers pump up fertilizer
use next year if they didn't use what
was put in ground this year. Do you
remember the 80s in a drought the
fertilizer doesn't leach. So again why
pump fertilizer use. Nice marketing fert
Simple crop plan for 2012.
Oats 3300 acres at 50lbs fert and some
Peas 1300 acres no fert and still have
enough pursuit from USA for twice that
2700 acres HRS soil tests say didn't use
as much as we thought so cut back. Who
cares if we grow a crop or not.
2700 acres Canola min inputs go for a 25
since that's all these new varieties can
Cuts to cost per acre. Total
$435,000.00. or 43.50 an acre.
Fert chem (chem back to lower rates)