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Happy Thanksgiving Day. Thank You To All Farmers.

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    Happy Thanksgiving Day. Thank You To All Farmers.

    We wanted to take the opportunity to wish everyone a nice Thanksgiving Day next week in Canada and in a couple of months for our US friends.



    The only recognition I expect for my labours is the
    grain cheque deposited in my bank account upon

    Nice production quality on the video. Someone
    spent some time piecing that one together. Thank


      Happy Thanks Giving! To one and all.best in


        Thankfully survived the wicked 2012 weather. Hoping for better next year.
        Best wishes to all, enjoy our freedom!


          Its going to be deboned prime rib in this family and thanks we earned it. Its going to be cooked just right also. Thanks to the cook.


            Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Ty for all your good wishes. Hope you all have a healthy and prosperous year.


              Dear Joe,

              Thanks for all the 'FUN' and 'Games' on Agriville. Making marketing and intellegence gathering fun is truly an honourable occupation!

              I watch Agriweek with interest as Morris gathers info... a trusted source is in our rambling halls of bantering!

              Cheers... and thanks again to all your crew at Agriville for a job VERY well done!!!!!!!!!!!(Just for ERrol)


                Look at your full bins. Look at your homes and
                yards. Look at your equipment and vehicles. Look
                at your family. Look at your neighbors.

                We have so much to be thankful for, don't we.

                Productive, wealth-creating work. Hard working,
                innovative peers Responsible children. Stable
                communities. Thriving economy. Families that still
                sit down and eat meals together.

                Late tonight, a whole swack of pumpkin pies will
                come out of my oven. I'll never be able to wait
                until tomorrow....

                Happy Thanksgiving, good people. Pars


                  Happy Thanksgiving dear Parsley. You are 100%
                  on the money. After the beautiful harvest
                  weather, and great summer, I say Halleluia,
                  Agrivillers! My family all safe, healthy and strong,
                  relatives datken our doorstep and stay for days,
                  wine, dine and fine.


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