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Friday Crop Report!

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    Friday Crop Report!

    Well what a week of disappointment. Last Friday it looked like we were in for a nice summer rain. Drew had us down for the event and so did environment Canada, that's when I kind of knew we were in trouble. Then the Radar at Bethune went down again. Well for a area with record rain fall the last five years, Mother nature threw us a curve ball and we got 2 to 4 tenths on all the land. Funny thing all around us 1 to 1.5 to 2.
    So yes its great for drying down the ground we could use some moisture. Yes I said it were getting finally dry. Total since snow went 2.25.
    Hrs is still up their and most have hit it with Disease control again on early seeded. Heading is happening. Midge is not a issue yet. Look great but a 3/4 to 1 inch rain would be just what the doctor ordered.
    Soy is up to just about my knee. Did some fungicide just to see what happens. Still awesome Man I think it loves the heat.
    Barley got a fungicide again and is now heading. Still looks great.
    Oats is in the leafy stage and has potential.
    Flax every ones looks really great. Lots of flax in our area. One continuous Canola grower dropped canola and seeded flax.
    Peas are all being applied with fungicide and look great. Only thing is areas in field where you have lighter pockets on the poorer land heat stress is showing up with shorter plants. Yield potential here is limited.
    Poding is happening.
    Now for Canola, Soys sister well lets just say most fields are starting to fill in and full bloom is taking place in this heat. Most did a fungicide on fields with potential the rest were not touched. This is one crop that needs a drink sooner than later. last weekends cooler temps and limited wind did help. Still no real 10s in the canola game in this area and lots of poor fields can still be found. Area where rain did take place starting to look better.
    So to sum it up no major rain took place. Planes and sprayers were going strong. Crop Insurance was out checking flooded areas. Summer BBQ and Crop tours is just about to start. Be safe and take a day off and say F#ck the farm.
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