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All this fungicide use. A question...

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    All this fungicide use. A question...

    Do not get me wrong here, I am not a tree hugger, or a greenpeacer.

    I am trying to be a realist. Here goes.

    So it appears everyone and their dog is spraying everything they have in the
    ground with fungicides. I see some of the merit, some of the time, and I
    understand perceived yield implications. But who else has some small concerns
    over our ecosystems overall health? All this spraying can't be great, can it?

    That being said, Europe has been ahead of us for decades in the high input side
    of things. So is a fung app. cheap insurance? Is it done only when necessary, or
    done as a matter of course like some of my neighbors who spray everything,
    regardless of conditions or what scouting would show. Is it a mere bandwagon
    everyone has jumped on?

    I use fungicides sparingly, and good crop rotation is more important for my farm.
    These guys are NOT getting better yields than me. In all honestly, I think most
    guys waste their money, because it is a bandwagon. You aren't a somebody, unless
    you spray fungicides. You just gotta. Every acre needs it.

    What are your thoughts? The times I have used them, I have seen no benefit. I can
    still grow great crops with heavy, heavy test weights.

    A disclaimer:

    I farm a lot of land where my fields are secluded and surrounded by treelines,
    and bush I have chosen to leave. I feel this may act as a disease/insect buffer.
    I do know it acts as a microclimate. Maybe those in more wide open country
    without these buffer regions have worse disease issues? And therefore, I am open
    to the concept that I am out to lunch...

    But seriously, a bit of constrictive discussion on this could be great. I just
    don't see how all this spraying can be healthy for any of us. I am talking about
    un-necessary spraying, not spraying because of crop scouting results. Spraying
    cuz everyone is doing it..

    Go ahead, yell at me!!!

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