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Friday Crop Report!

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    Friday Crop Report!

    Well another week has come and gone with moisture a ongoing daily basis, But no major rain just showers build up and you get a quick shot. Every thing is back to being green. Hail damage from the previous week is causing canola to reflower and the soy to start new branches. Did delay all fields.
    HRS is a 10 at this time but late can be a 0 if we don't get a month of nice weather. Realistically if a frost happened next week our area would harvest nothing. Nothing at all. No early seeder since we had snow into may. Again a early frost would create a 0 crop production. Warm and fuzzy isn't it.
    Canola is all over the map from excellent to piss poor. Doesn't matter what variety of what you did. One thing that stands out is how the spring showers hit. If you seeded and crop jus emerging when you got first half inch, ground was cold and wet wet wet so those fields are poorer. Canola is any where from full flower on the Max crap farms to just starting to finish or in last week of flowering.
    Barley is the nicest I've seen in years big heads and taller than last few. Early seeded is awesome late is late.
    Oats is also all over the map early is really really nice later is so so.
    Soy this one still amazes me on how well this plant can do. It had hail damage and the top leafs were torn apart but this trooper keeps looking better and better. One note should have sprayed later just before flowering would have had a very clean fields. Oh well you learn.
    It is flowering and podding.
    Peas are really starting to get dirty. Lots of wild oats coming all over the place lots of pods and nice crop where it didn't get to much to drink. Not like use to grow before the floods but on way back. One half on really high assessed land is still flowering. Not sure on this field.
    Flax looks awesome.
    So to sum up the week frost is on every ones mind in our area. The crop has sat for two weeks and needs heat. Lots of heat. Even the Cargill rep and AGri T is thinking we need some heat. Rain tap can shut off and wont do any damage to crop that is their. So bring on the heat.
    Only one guy is still spraying Proline and Prosario but his Canola and HRS are just flowering and heading. DAh I would have left it in the shed.
    Have a great Saskatchewan Day and Be Safe!!!!!!!!!!
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