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Friday Crop Report!

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    Friday Crop Report!

    Well after being gone for a week, I was hoping to see a difference in the crop. Its always good to leave and get a different perspective on your farm. Well the tap shut off back about a month ago. With us having virtually only two inches since snow left then the big rain event to get us to just under 4 damage is starting to show up. Late Canola is the big one with pod blast and shut down. HRS is filling but dropping kernels. All late crops you can see the effect.
    Yea after three years of mud I must have swear two much because the tap is shut off. Every storm starts on radar your watching it come your way then its either moves north or south at the last minuet or disappears only to reappear some where else. Spits are the shower of the day. Funny nothing over a inch in any of the rains all summer.
    Soy have recovered from hail and back to looking ok. Three pods so far but need a rain big time. August is their wet month and well were not even close. Damage on lighter land is evident. Need three to 5 weeks hard to say what will be their but a good experiment.
    Wheat Is funny some fields seeded early are turning and burning, The next three days will rush the crop. So fields have great potential others average. Wheat is doing real well in areas flooded for years vs. the canola on similar fields.
    Most is getting close to hard dough stage on early to a half in our area that's just finished flowering. All over the map. But is one crop that is still looking ok.
    Canola is still all over the map the later looked better before I left but with no rain it is shutting down and flower blast and drought stress is starting to show up. Early is finishing flowering. Pod count is ok. Some fields are short others are up to my arm pits. Pod level is about the same. Most canola farmers are in for a bit of a disappointment I think. Yields will be better than last years wreck but no where near where they should be.
    Oats looks fine on early seeded but late needs a drink real bad.
    Barley is starting to turn on all early and after the weekend heat will be finishing early next week. Late barley will take it on the chin with the heat.
    Flax is still blooming on most and looks awesome for height.
    Peas are starting to be desiccated. We have done 500 acres and now will be sitting on the last 500. They are on heavier land and had a set back with hail.
    So to sum up the crop its their not a bin buster but not last years shit show.
    Lots are thinking they have potential for huge yields in all crops. Agrologist was walking fields and said probably 8 higher than most grew last year on Canola. Remember the shit show with aster yellows. Now add 8 really not a bin buster just a average crop.
    Rain was needed Regina exhibition week but did not materialize. So basically were dry. Deep roots are helping since total for year is under 4. Yea some will find that hard to believe but rain has stopped, I cant believe it.
    Most will be starting some form of harvest operations next week in desiccating of early wheat or peas to maybe swathing barley close to the end of next week. Heat is on way to maybe rush the late crop along. Some canola is still blooming but heat should take care of that. Bugs walked a lot of fields yesterday really just a few grass hoppers. No Bertha etc.
    Its a ok crop but no bin buster.
    Some will be disappointed at final out come.
    USA tour and southern Sask. Soy looks like ours so late. From SD to Home. Lots of corn but late. I'm not sure how much is grown in ND Wyoming Montana, SD or Michigan but its all late.
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