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Gene VI

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    Gene VI

    So many of today's children are born autistic. It is
    heartbreaking. Every family with an autistic child
    grasps at every possibility for cure or prevention.  
    As food producers,  consideration should be
    given to this article:  


    "New Study Links Monsanto’s Roundup To
    Autism, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s

    Glyphosate is a major component of Monsanto’s
    Roundup herbicide. Glyphosate was
    manufactured by Monsanto and is one of the
    most widely used herbicides around the world. A
    number of scientific studies surrounding
    glyphosate have shed light on its effects within
    the human body. It’s responsible for triggering
    health problems like gastrointestinal disorders,
    diabetes, heart disease, obesity, Parkinson’s and
    Alzheimer’s disease.

    When you ingest Glyphosate, you are in essence
    altering the chemistry of your body. It’s
    completely unnatural and the body doesn’t
    resonate with it. P450 (CYP) is the gene pathway
    disrupted when the body takes in Glyphosate(3).
    P450 creates enzymes that assist with the
    formation of molecules in cells, as well as
    breaking them down. CYP enzymes are
    abundant and have many important functions.
    They are responsible for detoxifying xenobiotics
    from the body, things like the various chemicals
    found in pesticides, drugs and carcinogens.
    Glyphosate inhibits the CYP enzymes. The CYP
    pathway is critical for normal, natural functioning
    of multiple biological systems within our bodies.
    Because humans that’ve been exposed to
    glyphosate have a drop in amino acid tryptophan
    levels, they do not have the necessary active
    signalling of the neurotransmitter serotonin,
    which is associated with weight gain, depression
    and Alzheimer’s disease.

    Obviously, the chemistry behind Glyphosate is
    known by Monsanto. The fact that it disrupts the
    CYP gene pathway, the enzymes that play a
    major role in body detoxification is something that
    can easily contribute to illness and disease. I
    wonder if this has a direct correlation to the
    pharmaceutical industry possibly? The same
    major financial institutions that own major biotech
    and food corporations also own most of the
    major pharmaceutical companies. I don’t know
    how people think it’s a conspiracy to think that
    our food industry is designed to make us sick.
    Mainstream media will always promote GMOs
    and Roundup as well as emphasize their safety.
    That couldn’t be further from the truth, they
    damage your DNA and RNA genomes, not just
    for profit but for experimentation and control.
    Fidelity investments, State Street Corporation, JP
    Morgan Chase and The Vanguard Group seem to
    own all major food corporations and
    pharmaceutical companies (1)(2).

    Not too long a go, a hidden viral gene was also
    discovered in GMO crops.  European Food
    Safety Authority (EFSA) researchers have
    discovered a previously unknown viral gene that
    is known as “Gene VI.”  It’s found in most
    prominent GMO crops, and can disrupt the
    biological functions within living organisms. You
    can read more about that here. Not only do we
    have major issues with Roundup, we also have
    major issues with the GMO crops that are
    sprayed with the Roundup. We give so much
    power over to these corporations, owned by
    major financial institutions, and they clearly
    dictate government policy, you can read more
    about that here. We’ve seen evidence of this
    recently when Obama signed the Monsanto
    protection act.

    Alternative media outlets are working together to
    share information around the world. We can
    easily accept something we know nothing about,
    and put our trust in corporations and
    governments that we think are here to serve our
    interests. All it takes is a little critical questioning
    and inquiry to discover the truth behind our food
    industry. Creating awareness is key so people
    can make better choices in their life!

    This study was conducted by Anthony Samsel
    and Stephanie Seneff. Stephanie Seneff is a
    Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer
    Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She
    received the B.S. degree in Biophysics in 1968,
    the M.S. and E.E. degrees in Electrical
    Engineering in 1980, and the Ph.D degree in
    Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in
    1985, all from MIT.  She has published over 170
    refereed articles on these subjects, and has been
    invited to give keynote speeches at several
    international conferences. She has also
    supervised numerous Master’s and PhD theses
    at MIT. If you have any questions about
    Glyphosate’s role within the human body, you
    can contact her at   seneff@csail.mit.edu."

    Again, I'll leave mulling the increase in, the
    gravity, and the possible causes of autism up to
    you.  Parsley.
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