Bounced around in other posts but I am going to ask
the question.
Is glyphosate tolerant alfalfa needed in Canada
generally and more specifically western Canada? Who
and how should this determination be made? On
what basis? Specific to alfalfa, is this weed control
alternative needed in the tool box?
From what I read, the crop has passed the needed
plant with novel trait requirements - environmentally
safe (at least according to Environment Canada), safe
for human consumption (not that we alfalfa - maybe
sprouts) and safe for an animal feed. If has also been
classes as not substantially different from
conventional alfalfa. Someone will correct but I don't
think there are any regulatory hurdles to introducing
glyphosate tolerant alfalfa to Canada.
Alfalfa hay and seed are exported crops. I assume
the gene/genetic material has been registered in all
relevant markets but there is still likely to be
resistance in the market place both for actual imports
and adventitious presence in other crops/hay mixes.
Should market acceptance be a factor in adopting the
technology/introducing the variety? In all markets or
just key markets? Whose responsibility?
What are the terms around co-existence with other
crops including organic producers? What should
organic farmers expectations be when they live in a
world of co-existence with conventional
crops/agronomics everyday? Why is this technology
Things to think about when you are on your combine
or driving truck.
the question.
Is glyphosate tolerant alfalfa needed in Canada
generally and more specifically western Canada? Who
and how should this determination be made? On
what basis? Specific to alfalfa, is this weed control
alternative needed in the tool box?
From what I read, the crop has passed the needed
plant with novel trait requirements - environmentally
safe (at least according to Environment Canada), safe
for human consumption (not that we alfalfa - maybe
sprouts) and safe for an animal feed. If has also been
classes as not substantially different from
conventional alfalfa. Someone will correct but I don't
think there are any regulatory hurdles to introducing
glyphosate tolerant alfalfa to Canada.
Alfalfa hay and seed are exported crops. I assume
the gene/genetic material has been registered in all
relevant markets but there is still likely to be
resistance in the market place both for actual imports
and adventitious presence in other crops/hay mixes.
Should market acceptance be a factor in adopting the
technology/introducing the variety? In all markets or
just key markets? Whose responsibility?
What are the terms around co-existence with other
crops including organic producers? What should
organic farmers expectations be when they live in a
world of co-existence with conventional
crops/agronomics everyday? Why is this technology
Things to think about when you are on your combine
or driving truck.