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where is the low protein in western canada?????

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    where is the low protein in western canada?????

     Is it just east central Sask., or what,  because
    nobody around here is disappointed with  protein.
    Everyone is saying low protein but  everyone I know
    has 13ish average stuff. Talked to a  couple people
    in west central said the same and  southwest
    Manitoba. So I don't know where it will shack out
    but looks to me, locally protein around here is ok.
    Our durum protein is not terrible either at 12.9
    average. What are you guys seeing. Do we sell our
    protein premium now or wait for higher, I already
    shit the bed pricing my wheat this year, so maybe I
    should just pool it, punt it all then blame the cab for
    my terrible price, and I'm off the hook, lol.
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