Gust (me) Nagel and Wicket all come from the
Wheat Growers
Flamen, Ghell and Geoff are longtime NFU crowd
Can I get a farmer scouting report on some of the
Important to vote for the candidate that best
represents your farms interests.
I will run on a platform of increased trade and
technology. An important issue for me will be the
continued role of WGRF and its partnership with
private industry.
Whomever said wheat was 13.5 % px and 86.5%
politics hasn't seen anything yet
There are nine validated candidates for SBDC:
Allen Kuhlmann
Brent H Johnson
Jeff Mathieson
Zenneth Faye
Cam Goff
Marion McBride
Mike Bratton
Louis Hebert
Jason Skotheim
There are 17 validated candidates for SWDC:
Gerrid Daniel Gust
Glenn Tait
Dan R. Danielson
Laura Reiter
Cherilyn Nagel
Randy Johner
William Rosher
Robert Rigetti
Margaret Hansen
William F. Gehl
Rod Flaman
Ivan Costley
Kenneth Arden Rosaasen
Larry R. Sletten
Jim Wickett
Clinton J. Pederson
Bartt A. Chute
In the other provinces or commodities there hasn't
been such a left/right divide. I had hoped that
some of Wheats past battles were behind us.
Completely unproductive!
Good thing those swords haven't been hammered
into plow shares yet.
Wheat Growers
Flamen, Ghell and Geoff are longtime NFU crowd
Can I get a farmer scouting report on some of the
Important to vote for the candidate that best
represents your farms interests.
I will run on a platform of increased trade and
technology. An important issue for me will be the
continued role of WGRF and its partnership with
private industry.
Whomever said wheat was 13.5 % px and 86.5%
politics hasn't seen anything yet
There are nine validated candidates for SBDC:
Allen Kuhlmann
Brent H Johnson
Jeff Mathieson
Zenneth Faye
Cam Goff
Marion McBride
Mike Bratton
Louis Hebert
Jason Skotheim
There are 17 validated candidates for SWDC:
Gerrid Daniel Gust
Glenn Tait
Dan R. Danielson
Laura Reiter
Cherilyn Nagel
Randy Johner
William Rosher
Robert Rigetti
Margaret Hansen
William F. Gehl
Rod Flaman
Ivan Costley
Kenneth Arden Rosaasen
Larry R. Sletten
Jim Wickett
Clinton J. Pederson
Bartt A. Chute
In the other provinces or commodities there hasn't
been such a left/right divide. I had hoped that
some of Wheats past battles were behind us.
Completely unproductive!
Good thing those swords haven't been hammered
into plow shares yet.