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2014 Canola Acreage! Me thinks way down!

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    2014 Canola Acreage! Me thinks way down!

    Lets just say the Idiot sister of soy is having some rough times lately. Lots of Mixed signals from the market. High high oil content in our crop yet we don't get paid for that no couldn't do that. Cant deliver Wheat no problem we will take your canola. Yes Oh your January contract we will take it now no problem. It goes on and on. Soy selling for 12.28 vs Canola just above 10.
    Well boys once the price of our product hits 9 lets just see how much canola will get seeded at a ridiculous price of $14.00 a lb. Come on the Seed cost is getting way out of hand. You can only Screw farmers so long till they finally wake up and realize its done.
    CAnola our once great crop is heading for the tank sell now or ride it down to 8.25 by spring. They will take it their its just a matter of time.
    So loosing money by growing canola in 2014 or finding a alternative crop. Flax is at 14 now Canola is at 10 and dropping. Most in our area had yields on flax a little lower than canola but strong.
    Greed by seed companies, chem companies and farmers killed canola.
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