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Running Scenarios! WTF Computer is crashing as nothing makes money!

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    Running Scenarios! WTF Computer is crashing as nothing makes money!

    Running scenarios for the spring and into fall. It seems every crop put into system shows break even or loss.
    Now as Klause says lets be positive so on this cold fricking Monday morning I will try to be.
    Right now We have a log jam in Western Canada. Its awful and I believe wont get better for at least 6 months to a year out.
    If we produce another crop like this year it will be BAD real BAD! Because guys who did sell crop to be delivered in 2014 fall might be not able to deliver their crop till Jan. Yea Jan because what grain company will take higher valued Canola or wheat when it has Lower valued Contracts still on the books.
    So all this will compound the situation.
    The next panic date for some will be March 15 th when the Millions and Millions come due with FCC. Delay works if Ritz can get some grain movement if not that date will be a shit show. If most miss this spring is one month out and inputs need to be added back on.
    Fert is going up every day and that is a kicker.
    How farming could go from the Best feeling in the world to one of WTF happened. Deer in a headlights.
    All dealers are starting to see the cancelation of fall purchases starting and traffic through the doors slowing. Tough to purchase new equipment when cant move grain.
    Bins and grain bags sales might be up but that Bourgualt 750000 air drill doesn't make sense.
    So what does a guy do.
    Now I know one thing is certain when its the darkest hour do opposite what others are doing.
    Need Discussion on strategies for grain. Because like I said earlier what if we don't straiten this out till next year and produce a normal to slightly above crop. Fall contracts will be pushed back till Jan then what!
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