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2 solitudes

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    2 solitudes

    I see a lot of posts on AV about current situation. Some are about how bad cash flow is and how poor the prospect looks. Many complain and then say "but I am OK because...." Others make very good points about why they weren't that aggressive in pricing and immediately get called out. Every-ones situation is different. Some of us have had 2 total wipe-outs in the last 5 years due to hail and flooding. Not our fault. I combined canola that was 100% hailed out running 2bu/ac. to fill an $8/bu contract so i wouldn't have to buy it back for $10. Then 2 years later had it written off because saturated soil wouldn't support a swather much less a combine. Zero production no matter what the price is still zero.
    For those who say you've had plenty of chances to lock in high prices...perhaps. But many of us were still combining past thanksgiving, Elevators were full and only a few got a tiny bit of grain hauled in off combines in some areas.The hardest thing a farmer can do is price grain that has dropped significantly. Here is where hope fear and panic come into play. Even if we did a good job of marketing last years production it only moves the curve down the road a bit. sf3 makes good points but then can't help but say he's ok for now. Many aren't. I don't have any advice on how to proceed. If I did I don't think I'd be brave enough to post it here. A bit of understanding from our neighbors is a good place to start. As Plato taught: Be kind because Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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