According to the Western Producer in 2013 we grew a
thirty month crop. Now I realize mother nature helps
that out a lot, BUT, if we try to grow another thirty
month crop and this same bullshit(which I do believe
is bullshit) happens again, do we not point the figure
at ourselves. I am a little confused as to why we would
try to help the cause again. What am I missing? I sure
am open to good explanations on this. Or have we
been so brainwashed in believing that a good farmer
is one who produces huge yields?
thirty month crop. Now I realize mother nature helps
that out a lot, BUT, if we try to grow another thirty
month crop and this same bullshit(which I do believe
is bullshit) happens again, do we not point the figure
at ourselves. I am a little confused as to why we would
try to help the cause again. What am I missing? I sure
am open to good explanations on this. Or have we
been so brainwashed in believing that a good farmer
is one who produces huge yields?