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dumb question

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    dumb question

    as always.........
    have you not had a year this big before grain wise in Canada? ive read all the posts below yep theres more than one, so oil is the problem not enough infrastructure for both oil and grain?

    and shocking weather

    or its not that simple

    like currently in my nearest elevator problems have been appearing for last 5 years so farmers thought stuff it we will build another bunker site so that's what were doing 200,000 tonne to start with hopefully up and running by 2014 harvest in some sort of a capacity, land has been bought local govt problems at moment.

    farmers can winge and bitch and point finger wereas aussies tend to say F#*k it lets get er done.

    thinking wit decision will come back and bite ya on the bum.

    stay warm weve got a darn cold febuary as well
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