If wholesale beef and cattle prices keep up this torid pace, higher end steak houses might be pushing astromonical prices by summer.
Questions is; where does the consumer jump ship? Hog bids are rocketing (due to PED virus) and pork cutouts will roar as well.
Friday's USDA Cattle On Feed report continues to show higher feedlot cattle placements and Alberta/Saskatchewan placements are on-the-rise as well.
But Alberta barley bids have also jumped sharply into the spring market cutting into feeding profitabilty.
A collision between a red-hot pork/beef market and the consumer wallet appears inevitable ahead.
Questions is; where does the consumer jump ship? Hog bids are rocketing (due to PED virus) and pork cutouts will roar as well.
Friday's USDA Cattle On Feed report continues to show higher feedlot cattle placements and Alberta/Saskatchewan placements are on-the-rise as well.
But Alberta barley bids have also jumped sharply into the spring market cutting into feeding profitabilty.
A collision between a red-hot pork/beef market and the consumer wallet appears inevitable ahead.