Looking for an update from everywhere.
How much have recent rains helped fill out crops in N. Alta.? Bushel weights/grade potential? Hay/pasture potential? Frost?
It is a year for thinking outside the box/being innovative. Have you seen any innovative approaches to current weather issues in your community? Are there ways livestock and crop producers in a way that benefits all?
I get discouraged when I see all the media attention to the eastern Canadian hay imports and realize that other than being symbolic, it doesn't do a lot for our industry. My personal view is that we need to provide people some support in general but allow them to make decisions that fit their personal situation. Paying everybody to do one thing (eg. pay a transportation subsidy on hay) gets everyone thinking the same way. The end result is a lot of the benefit is lost to others besides the individual farm families. Just a thought.
How much have recent rains helped fill out crops in N. Alta.? Bushel weights/grade potential? Hay/pasture potential? Frost?
It is a year for thinking outside the box/being innovative. Have you seen any innovative approaches to current weather issues in your community? Are there ways livestock and crop producers in a way that benefits all?
I get discouraged when I see all the media attention to the eastern Canadian hay imports and realize that other than being symbolic, it doesn't do a lot for our industry. My personal view is that we need to provide people some support in general but allow them to make decisions that fit their personal situation. Paying everybody to do one thing (eg. pay a transportation subsidy on hay) gets everyone thinking the same way. The end result is a lot of the benefit is lost to others besides the individual farm families. Just a thought.