Looks like Kansas and Oklahoma both saw big
drop in ratings!
Kansas is 29% good down from 32. Spring is on
in Kansas is not good for them.
Oklahoma is 17 for good and that's a drop also.
These two states produce a lot of the wheat.
Were under snow cover yet I'm told! And moist
from last fall! Seeding will be maybe a later start!
Next two weeks will tell!
One thing is certain the usda won't pull a rabbit
out of the hat this year! Yea right all the Canadian
grain flooding into the USA will be counted as
their production just watch!
drop in ratings!
Kansas is 29% good down from 32. Spring is on
in Kansas is not good for them.
Oklahoma is 17 for good and that's a drop also.
These two states produce a lot of the wheat.
Were under snow cover yet I'm told! And moist
from last fall! Seeding will be maybe a later start!
Next two weeks will tell!
One thing is certain the usda won't pull a rabbit
out of the hat this year! Yea right all the Canadian
grain flooding into the USA will be counted as
their production just watch!