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Make no mistake about it....man made or synthetic chemicals are all perceived as so dangerous as to

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    Make no mistake about it....man made or synthetic chemicals are all perceived as so dangerous as to

    chuckChuck posted Apr 20, 2014 10:42
    Just to be clear lots of organic product is tested and comes up free of residues. Residues of chemicals from non-organic farms contaminate organic produce because of drift. Pesticides are found in the arctic so it is difficult to claim residue free.

    Organic certification is about certifying the process. Some organic markets are more concerned about residues than others. Several studies have shown reduced exposure in those who consume organic foods. In organic processing there are many food processing additives which are not allowed.

    Consumers who purchase organic foods see real and perceived benefits. Not only in the food products, but in the type of farming and food system they want to support. Whether you agree with them doesn't matter. Consumers have a choice. So do you.

    When I see farmers out spraying on very windy days when they should have the sprayer parked I think I have a right to be concerned.

    I also have a right to be concerned that farmers are overusing antibiotics. Did you realize that the US is moving to reduce the use of antibiotics in livestock production because of alarming problems with antibiotic resistance? But Canada is not doing anything. Why? is the science in Canada not up to to speed or are the politicians not up to speed?
    I think it is the latter.

    The input industry has great influence. They use it to make sure they make profit. They will do what they think it is in their own interest. They are not concerned about bigger issues, their job is worry about profits.
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