I have three different varieties of
canola going in this year. TKW vary by
20% and to get target populations I have
to seed 6.5 lbs with two of the
varieties. I wonder if seed companies
are selecting for larger seed as a way
to counteract the reduced seeding rates
farmers are using. I think seed should
be sold on a standard TKW and whatever
it varies from there the price should be
adjusted by the same amount. Thoughts?
It is also a possibility that the newer
varieties are higher yielding because of
larger seed.
canola going in this year. TKW vary by
20% and to get target populations I have
to seed 6.5 lbs with two of the
varieties. I wonder if seed companies
are selecting for larger seed as a way
to counteract the reduced seeding rates
farmers are using. I think seed should
be sold on a standard TKW and whatever
it varies from there the price should be
adjusted by the same amount. Thoughts?
It is also a possibility that the newer
varieties are higher yielding because of
larger seed.