Re the amount of public land in western states. I was reading on another chat room that prior to about 1880 the states were obligated to get ALL land into private ownership. Homesteads acts etc. Private ownership of land was considered imperative for a prosperous society. However sometime around 1880 the policy was changed for whatever reasons. Thus Nevada is 86% owned by the federal government and they do NOT seem to think that is wrong. Cliven Bundy does.
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Most of these lands are not for sale.Pasted from the wiki link.
The majority of public lands in the United States are held in trust for the American people by the federal government and managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the United States National Park Service, Bureau of Reclamation, or the Fish and Wildlife Service under the Department of the Interior, or the United States Forest Service under the Department of Agriculture. Other federal agencies that manage public lands include the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the United States Department of Defense, which includes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.[4]
Wilderness is a special designation for public lands which have been completely undeveloped. The concept of wilderness areas was legislatively defined by the 1964 Wilderness Act. Wilderness areas can be managed by any of the above Federal agencies, and some parks and refuges are almost entirely designated wilderness. A wilderness study area is a tract of land that has wilderness characteristics, and is managed as wilderness, but has not received a wilderness designation from Congress
This will explain the Duck Dynasty types me and Rocky see.
Most state- and federally managed public lands are open for recreational use. Recreation opportunities depend on the managing agency, and run the gamut from the free-for-all, undeveloped wide open spaces of BLM lands to the highly developed and controlled national and state parks. Wildlife refuges and state wildlife management areas, managed primarily to improve habitat, are generally open to wildlife watching, hiking, and hunting, except for closures to protect mating and nesting, or to reduce stress on wintering animals. National forests generally have a mix of maintained trails and roads, wilderness and undeveloped portions, and developed picnic and camping areas.
OK one more deep breath
Each western state also received federal "public land" as trust lands designated for specific beneficiaries, which the States are to manage as a condition to acceptance into the union. Those trust lands cannot any longer be considered public lands as allowing any benefits to the "public" would be in breach of loyalty to the specific beneficiaries. The trust lands (two sections, or about 1,280 acres (5.2 km2) per township) are usually managed extractively (grazing or mining), to provide revenue for public schools. All states have some lands under state management, such as state parks, state wildlife management areas, and state forests
The wiki link has it at 76.1 percent for Nevada. Maybe the difference is they sold the Bunde farm to gov't workers and family and some Chinese investment. Just saying how things can go wrong really fast. Don't forget there is oil in all of the ground water on the bundy farm. And talk the sale if for pennies on the dollar sort of thing. With a closer look the turtle has nothing to do with it.
Ahhhh excuse me einstein,i met the 20 on wheat
when everyone was laughing at me on here and
NOBODY anywhere was talking about it,the only
accolade was pars's "good job you did your home
work",then i called the top,gold at 2g, other mens
calls which was near met,and if you dont understand
how/why it will go to and through that,well to bad for
you,want to get into my oil call when it was 27?Do
you know the level of understanding it takes to make
those calls?
As for the situation at hand in NV,i don't know,but
those are not fat kids playing games,watch the links
einstein or are you on dial up still?The boys in that
town haul are ruff,gruff and full of snuff,they take
things seriously,you are handicap in your views.
Whoa Cotty, what brand of scotch are you swilling? I
want some too. First: good post Hopperbin, I read
that too. And if you've ever spent time down in
Nevada with the locals, that 75% public lands thing
is pretty popular with the dune buggy types, dirt
bikers, quad racers, dust rods, hunters etc.. I've
been in that very area, on a motorcycle no less, on a
poker run where this guy runs cattle. If we exposed
livestock to those conditions here, we'd be charged
with animal neglect. It's brutal man!
As for Cotty - be the idealist and live long and
prosper. Been there and done that. But at some
point if you become a realist, a pragmatist, and
even a bit of a fatalist - then you can become an
opportunist! I'm in Alberta and we have two land
Bills now that not only make your land available for
the public good, but without market value
compensation if so desired. Also, even if nothing is
being planned, you may be prevented from any kind
of development (like a pivot sprinkler) if the Govt
thinks your land might be needed down the road
for something like a power line. So we have a guy in
Nevada whose been squatting cattle on public land
for god knows how long and I'm supposed to get
excited - no. Not the sword to die on...
????????-your supptin special eh rocky?
-i dont know or care about the particulars ,the
situation is the situation,grab the popcorn,thats it.....
What part do you not understand?
Yes cotton is as he stated earlier is just watching as so am I although I am curious as to the identity and background of a lot of the people involved. Rocky you might be able to get them guys to come up to Alberta. I think I will stay out of politics while in Nevada LOL.
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