Lots of chatter and theories on where things are headed.
There is an imf paper floating around about how to deal with the crisis and it makes alot of scary sense.
This strengthens Errol's position over mine.
The plan may be to freeze up the soverign bond market and to legthen the maturities out to the 20-30 year time frame and not allow them to be redeemed(as in sell to get all your cash back and take the yeild payout for the duration)
Basically,mutual funds,pension funds,life insurance,private,etc,etc.
What makes sense is they cant allow a bond sell off nor yields to rise.
A sell off without yields rising would mean central banks would have to gobble them all up,pay out the cash and catastophic inflation.The bond market is like 3 times the size of the stock market,alot of capital to unleash,unsterilized.
Let the market take over and yields rise,catastrophic deflation,broke governments,broke banks,broke economies.
The derivatives would not be trigger because a no default would be ruled.
My ira in the us is evidence of this.
The dow at 17,000 is evidence.
On going deficit financing could continue by forced savings in the different plans.
Lots of questions,like the global currency system,but if everyone resets at the same time would anything change?
For the conspiracy folks i could show you a video of lagarde that would make your head spin,when the most powerful woman in the world starts talking non sense,alls you think is wtf......?
There is an imf paper floating around about how to deal with the crisis and it makes alot of scary sense.
This strengthens Errol's position over mine.
The plan may be to freeze up the soverign bond market and to legthen the maturities out to the 20-30 year time frame and not allow them to be redeemed(as in sell to get all your cash back and take the yeild payout for the duration)
Basically,mutual funds,pension funds,life insurance,private,etc,etc.
What makes sense is they cant allow a bond sell off nor yields to rise.
A sell off without yields rising would mean central banks would have to gobble them all up,pay out the cash and catastophic inflation.The bond market is like 3 times the size of the stock market,alot of capital to unleash,unsterilized.
Let the market take over and yields rise,catastrophic deflation,broke governments,broke banks,broke economies.
The derivatives would not be trigger because a no default would be ruled.
My ira in the us is evidence of this.
The dow at 17,000 is evidence.
On going deficit financing could continue by forced savings in the different plans.
Lots of questions,like the global currency system,but if everyone resets at the same time would anything change?
For the conspiracy folks i could show you a video of lagarde that would make your head spin,when the most powerful woman in the world starts talking non sense,alls you think is wtf......?