I only deal with grain companies when it's a matter if convenience. This year had the mill I dealwuth say to me that I had the best wheat they'd seen last year but they couldn't deal with me due to unreliable rail service. We need contracts that work for farmers and buyers. We need rail transportation reform. Revenue cap overages need to be out toward infrastructure improvement.
I just find it awfully rich that the reason so many were up in arms to get get rid of the CWB was because they stood between us and world prices. Yet here we are three years later and we are as far away from world prices as ever. Prairie to port price or equivalent delivery points in the US is the benchmark we should be working from, not patting our self on the back if we think we sold for a buck a bushel better than the neighbor.
I just find it awfully rich that the reason so many were up in arms to get get rid of the CWB was because they stood between us and world prices. Yet here we are three years later and we are as far away from world prices as ever. Prairie to port price or equivalent delivery points in the US is the benchmark we should be working from, not patting our self on the back if we think we sold for a buck a bushel better than the neighbor.