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So maybe crop conditions arent as good out west as some let us believe.

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    Tom. Glad to hear all is good. From the road some good looking ones here as well.
    She was unforgiving this year on how well you managed trash and placed seed.
    Went to Edmonton yesterday. Worse north of me till you get west out of the Solonetz.


      We don't have the roots or banked nutrients to grow a crop like last year but 1" of rain in the next 10 days would give it a good run. Now if Alberta can freeze this fall ("**** thy neighbor" being the new axiom of farmers, right Tom) it could be a very profitable year.


        Tom your so full of shit it's not funny! So are you saying all us guys in east sask that busted our asses got the crop seeded use no till probably longer than you did some thing wrong since the crop is screwed by July 15 th. It's called a foot of rain in a two week period, let's see how smart you would be with that.


          East central AB...almost perfect conditions...crops look great...adequate moisture. Spraying in progress...some by air on really boggy land. Some ruts but most sprayers making it through. One neighbour "lost" his in a low spot but it was his own damned fault...high clearance doesn't mean much when there is standing water.


            Lost his sprayer? Klause was getting stuck out by gurnsey doing custom spraying. I guess now he was stuck with sprayer more often in one day than me in 10 years. Hazards of custom.


              Here's my summary!! Crops from Moose Jaw to Watrous are brutal. Some fields may as well be sprayed down. They are the same between MJ and Regina. It's funny having buyers calling to sign up green lentils, the trade knows what's out there. They all drive around like we do, and the disaster that is out there is the factual truth. I have a friend that speculates there are only 20% of the lentil crop that will be salvageable. This downplaying by some is a joke, it's reality. SF3 is absolutely correct in his assumptions. Where I farm things fortunately look fantastic, but we have been through wet yr, and know the deviation flooding does.


                Flooding that late in the crops cycle doesn't make grain, it take it.


                  Lentils that were rolled here are toast. Ours that weren't rolled look pretty good, better everyday. Recovery questionable though, even with fungicide.

                  Many farmers didn't select lentils on Crop Insurance because of cost, now phoning the office and SOL.


                    We are done in gurnsey.

                    Sunk the sprayer again in the guy's chem fallow. And by sunk, I mean sunk a sprayer with 18.4-42s right to the frame of the sprayer… it'll be fun tomorrow to get out.

                    177acres on a half section seeded… 122 acres sprayed. maybe 90 acres will make a crop. It's brutal in that neck of the woods.

                    North and east of Annaheim, cereals are good. Not great but good. Canola is shitty spindly crappy. Only saw one field of peas up there and it's dead pretty much.

                    West of Saskatoon, and around Colonsay country there's some very nice canola peas and wheat. Some OK some crap.

                    What's nice is VERY nice though.

                    Very different seeing the crop from in the field (you see a lot of acres custom spraying) than from the road.

                    Best crops I've run through are those on West side of city, but don't go too far west.


                      Once you get west of eagle creek things look good again. West of hwy 4 crops look really crop except for some of the peas. What are you running for a sprayer?


                        Klause, take care getting your sprayer out. Dangerous work.


                          Klause, take care getting your sprayer out. Dangerous work.


                            <a href="http://s1318.photobucket.com/user/Lexion3/media/20140703_171737_zpsneyfylzf.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1318.photobucket.com/albums/t652/Lexion3/20140703_171737_zpsneyfylzf.jpg" border="0" alt="Sprayer stuck photo 20140703_171737_zpsneyfylzf.jpg"/></a>


                              <a href="http://s1318.photobucket.com/user/Lexion3/media/20140704_075501_zpsuaketuiz.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1318.photobucket.com/albums/t652/Lexion3/20140704_075501_zpsuaketuiz.jpg" border="0" alt="Track hoe stuck photo 20140704_075501_zpsuaketuiz.jpg"/></a>


                                What's next a Quad track? Wow, must be bottomless soup under the surface. Never happened on our farm, but neighbor dropped a JD 9300 to the frame ON a hill side. Pull and attach carefully, good luck.


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