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Looking for Clearfield or other NON-GMO canola...

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    Looking for Clearfield or other NON-GMO canola...

    Hi - Our plant is sourcing Non-GMO canola, and we're willing to pay a significant premium for it, delivered to Clive, AB.
    We have a canola crushing plant on our farm.
    Looking for approx 4500 tonnes over the next year.

    We're also willing to pay a "finders fee" if you can help us locate this kind of canola from farmers you know.

    Please call me at 403-970-8623 or 1-800-967-5157, or contact me at rfoster@purecoldpressedoils.com.

    Thanks! (eh)

    Maybe you should try paying for advertising.

    Thanks (eh)


      Maybe not so much an ad as a wake up call for the Monsanto sheep.


        Nah...it's an outright advertisement. We've seen it twice now.


          Could be a nice niche. Hope it works. Good luck eh.


            Niche markets are like trim tabs laced with opportunity. Canada could step up and be brave and quit following the American multinational bullshit. Has anyone paid any attention to what is going on with BRICS. And do any of you realise the stand that Russia and China have taken with GMO's and the rest of that shit? We have to stop sucking the hind tit and think for ourselves as Canadians. You know the truth oneoff.


              Randy, are you referring to Chinese scientist stealing gm corn tech to develop their own program?



                Ha. Good one ado. Now that you have exposed them they will probably disappear if they have. Of already. LOL. China deals with shit like that in ways you can only dream of. Have you read any of the BRICS stuff ado?


                  That was actually a cute little story ado. A fella can dig up anything on the Web hey. Obviously a news story for Monsanto and you sheep dirt farmers. LOL So these diabolical Chinese dudes where stealing technology by digging in Monsantos dirt hey. Thanks for the laugh bud.


                    We've grown lots of non GMO canola for the past few years with good success. It was Clearfield varieties. We have now rotated out and back to LL system for herbicide rotation.

                    The non GMO thing is hopefully a nice niche for Roger and his growers, but long term, on most farms, I see it as unsustainable. There are just too many issues with weed control, weed resistance, and varietal development.


                      For example it would be nice if everyone could just recognize an advertisement ; when its obviously is one.

                      Lack therof; puts into question whether those persons are so blinded by ideology and faith that there is no reasoning with them on any issue.


                        Yes, it is obviously an advertisement. But does that matter to anyone but the owners of this site.

                        I like competition, of any size. I would not of heard of PV Oil without Roger's trolling. So I'm ok.

                        Interestingly, this "ad" points out that despite comments to the contrary, Monsanto or Bayer don't, and never will control the food industry. The only thing that limits the industry is lack of inspiration plus perspiration.


                          Yes, this is a commercial message.

                          I thought it would be appropriate for the "commodity marketing" section of this forum to mention that there is another alternative to the large corporate canola crushers out there, and that maybe farmers would like to know about another option... that pays a higher premium than the $15 per tonne that the big companies are willing to pay.

                          Guys, I come from a farm, and my Dad used to tell me that "Sometimes, it's better to ask forgiveness than permission". Right now, our small oil company is dealing with a buyer who is likely to go with a non-GMO option, but I don't have the PO in my hands yet, so I decided to find out how much interest and how much available supply is out there via this forum. We're new to the non-GMO market, so we really didn't know.

                          If we get the deal done (and I believe we will), then we will get paid advertising out there. No problem.

                          But guys... did I really do a lot of damage to this forum? Am I really a "troll"?

                          I did get some valuable contacts, and it's likely that for those farmers who did contact me, our company will be able to pay a higher premium than is available elsewhere.

                          As for those of you who have put up negative comments, I'm not sure I understand your motivation. I'm not really forcing you to read (and certainly not forcing you to reply) to this, and I really doubt that you have a financial interest in the ownership of the website. This kind of criticism kind of reminds me of our neighbour we used to have on our party line who would regularly listen on on our conversations, and then get mad when we joked about his listening...

                          Anyway, I didn't intend to spread any bad intent with these posts. We are just trying to offer another alternative with "commodity marketing".

                          This website will be a significant source of advertising once we get the deal done, and I have not received any negative feedback from the OWNERS of the website...

                          God Bless!


                            Ah - I forgot one other point:

                            Personally, I believe that the issue of using non-GMO canola for use in food grade canola oil is absolutely ridiculous!

                            The genetic modification is in the protein. The oil that is crushed has absolutely no protein, and is therefore completely GMO free anyway.

                            However, that is what the market is demanding, and by law we cannot just simply say on the label, "This OIL is completely free of any GMO material".

                            Gentlemen, that would just make too much farmer sense for the lawyers and the feverish environmentalists of the world...

                            The reality of it is that I have a client who is willing to pay a high premium to have a non-GMO oil product, that they can label as such on their finished product.

                            It's just legislation, not farmer sense...



                              Not bonded, not paid on delivery!!!! Run run run, why do farmers have to bankroll businesses by not receiving payment on delivery?? If your not bonded pay on delivery!!!


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