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Who else is sick of hearing the world is running out of food!

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    Who else is sick of hearing the world is running out of food!

    Since last summer when I said the boom is over and the jig is up some laughed. We'll a year later and prices keep going lower and still some chem and fert companies are telling us keep producing the world is short of food.
    It was bs in the late 70s and it's bs in 2012 to 14.
    Next will come higher interest rates and subsidies will be out for American farmers this fall.
    Canadians again will be told we can't do any thing learn to compete.
    The circle of farming goes around and around.
    Only thing now the prices of equipment fert seed and chemical us at a new plateau, and what we get for our crop is back to lows if the past.
    The world never was out of food. The markets crashed and the only way to prop up the system was farm and food .
    With all the crazy shit happening in Iran Iraq Syria Israel pails tine Russia and the Ukraine do you really think those sickos care about food!
    Ps maybe we should stop the immigration of these idiots into canada, really marches in Toronto etc. this is canada you came here adapt or get the ****out.

    High five!!!!!


      WW3 maybe but we will lose our north real fast.


        It is in the worlds best interest that food is plentiful. If you want to see unrest, imagine the chaos if half the world's population were starving. But why should the burden fall on the shoulders of so few. And at times be so poorly compensated for providing an absolute essential to life. A large portion of this planets people take their food for granted. Rich can afford to pay but don't have to, the poor give up a proportionately large percentage of their income for food and can't afford anymore....
        Priorities are screwed up....lifestyle before sustenance especially the West.


          Need a rice shortage.


            Had a long chat with an american farmer while waiting in line to dump,he claimed the farm program was destroyed and their rail system was done like ours,his words not mine.


              From what I read some will get checks I'f corn and beans drop further wheat should already give them a check! Not as rich as before but it still keeps the inputs cost where they are! We have no help so pay pay pay! How long to dump down their or was the guy delivering north! Heading to USA next week for some late harvest fun down their then back to start ours! Nothing finer than harvesting!


                SF3 I thought you didn't have a crop?


                  Grrrr even if it's a shit one you still have to harvest it.


                    you hear it all the time but isn't correct that there is always wheat being harvested somewere in the world 12 months of the year and about 10 months for corn and beans and pulses so its a bit of a furphy isn't it
                    more the cast when the ratios get out of whack
                    the drum is beating louder that china is in near full blown drought but they never say to much which may increase prices until they have there supplies shored up but in saying that its a big place


                      And we are so short of food that we need to cut way back on our livestock numbers so we can divert that good yummy #3 and lower grade corn into the bowls of humans to eat. It's hard work trying to kill each other. Works up quite an appetite.


                        That's all right, if the pro famine folks keep gaining support we'll all be farming organically in a few years and we'll have to decide witch additional 3 billion people get to starve. Mind you if this ebola thing ever takes off the pro-famine folks will refuse to get vaccinated because Monsanto is involved so nature might look after them...


                          Members of the Bilderberg Group and the world's elite always want some wars or epidemics to keep the population somewhat matched to the food supply. It preserves their way of life. Can't let the citizens get too crazy, and hunger does that.

                          (Although the above conspiracy theory is meant as a joke to amuse you sheeple, there's more truth to it than I wish.)



                            Of course there is truth to it. There isn't a bunch of Iraqis reloading shells all day long, they couldn't make them fast enough. There are factories making arms and ammunition every day and it all gets to the place where the nutcases are.

                            The press forgets to report on how in the hell they keep finding millions/billions in rounds and guns but can't feed the masses.


                              I dont know this to be true but Freud said the "apocalyptic vision" was imprnted in human dna,called it thantos?maybe should have looked it up better before i posted.

                              Anyway the cdc just did a quiet upgrade of ebola to "within 3 feet",china was doing freaky stuff over pandemics a while back,which some are saying was ebola,europe is truly a mess,the middle east is a mess,always has been though,and the western world has to much debt so.......

                              Even when you check your paranoia at the door and look at with pure logic and no emotion,the world does seem pretty screwed up.


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