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Southwest Sask crop tour

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    Southwest Sask crop tour

    All caught up on spraying and took a quick couple days off with the family.
    This is a view from the highway at 110km/h

    Alll crops I've seen crops are three weeks behind

    Quite a bit more summer fallow than I would normally expect, although I don't travel the Southwest that often.

    Started at Davidson crops look quite good except for very late. Even the fields that were hailed out late May look quite good considering. I estimate we will get 80-90% of the last 5 year average. Maybe 65% of last year.
    So far very little seen for bugs although watching for Berthas
    Most sprayed for disease yet In talking to a friend at Lorburn he says he's seeing signs of fusarium in his Durum. Not pricing anymore until combines roll.

    Mossbank had best crops of tour. Amazing what rain on sand can get you. Lots of Chick peas lentils and canola. Very little cereals.
    Horrible looking field of hemp.

    Assinaboia also quite good started seeing soybeans. I don't know much about them but fields looked clean

    Willowbunch saw a field of winter wheat behind the regional park that looked ready to combine. Not much for yield although it was surrounded by pasture. Quality looked pretty good.

    Coronach cowboys are all smiling. Prices strong and grass is still green. Hopefully they will share the wealth when a bunch of feed hits the market on all the late cereals.amazed at the reclamation of the coal mines. Within five years of coal mining the land is under cultivation

    Hwy 13 red coat trail from Assinaboia to Shaunavon is the best road in Saskatchewan. Crops all look good. Didn't notice a field of Oats in my whole loop. Barley acres are few and far between. Peas are looking good

    Stayed a few days in the Cyprus Hills not a lot to report on the crop side but again grass is high and calves are fat.

    If you get a chance to tour down there don't miss the history of Fort Walsh and try zip lining. The Little Dipper has the best ice cream. The mini golf kind of sucks. War Lodge is best campground.

    The only combine I saw in the field was south of Maple Creek near the winery. Yes Saskatchewan has a winery. Mostly fruit wines. A very good sour cherry with honey that I liked, a rhubarb wine that was very dry and my wife liked

    (I thought it tasted like Hutterite wine, bad memories

    Couple fields of canola that were swathed. Not much else looked close. Some barley looked ready to try.

    North of Maple creek to Chaplin along the number 1 everything again looked reasonable from the road but 2-3weeks late.

    Chaplin to Elbow along 19 was hit and miss. Quite a few fields of summer fallow some exceptional looking crops. A guy was swathing canola at Elbow a guy was swathing canola from under a pivot.
    At Davidson we are 2-3 weeks behind
    Likely won't harvest in August.

    What I'm trying to wrap my head around is how we went through the whole 13 canola crop. Have to agree with posters that there is very little canola left come the end of this month. Buyers are really going a long ways to secure supplies. The 14 canola crop if you figure in less acres, flooded, more heat, less rain etc etc has to be at least 20% smaller. What will supplies look like in 11-12 months from now? I know the soy crop will be big and those futures will go down. Canola futures will have to follow some what but are we looking at record basis levels next spring? Will the demand for canola we saw in 13 drop for alternatives? Tomorrows report is t going to help our cause I don't think


      I loved the Cypress Hills - 30 years was too long !!
      North of maple to the Haven colony must have peas, w / wht off by now - look good to me


        Another point is that there are bags of grain everywhere. I have no idea what's in them or quality, just pointing out the fact.


          Thanks for taking time to report.
          Do not see too many grain bags still out in eastern Sask, think most are cleaned up.


            Gust good crop report. Grain bags are probably wheat in that area. When I was down their in early July thought the same.
            In the east all way north grain bags are gone and bins are empty. The big Canola crop of 2014 is all but cleaned up It wasn't as big as they said it was. Ok maybe some guys in Alberta that didn't market their huge crop so well have some in bins but most farmers are out.
            This years canola crop is probably for us 45% less than last years crop. Flooded acres taken into account. Peas are the shits and HRS is along way from the bin.
            I like your observation Oats and Barley are non existent in Sask this year. I second that.


              I bet the good old cwb could tell us what's in them bags seeing they own most of em oodles of bags waiting on grain delivery to the cwb and short lines I'm told..


                You obviously missed my field of oats tucked away in the middle of nowhere. In my travels, it's probably the only field in at least a 30 mile radius of our and JD's farms. A lot less barley around this year too. There used to be quite a bit of malt grown in this area, hardly any grown now.

                JD's probably right with his explanation of why there are so many bags left. Heard the other day that Great Western Rail, which is the short line from Assiniboia, west along the 13 to Eastend and then down to Val Marie, was 2800 cars behind. Most any bags that are left around here were supposed to be moved a long time ago.


                  Just a comment on car shortages. Guy from Cargill said they are being shorted between 2-300 cars a week. Doesn't sound like a lot but u add that up over the long haul and the grain piles up.
                  In addition he said because of the federal legislation the rail companies will just spot cars at places even if there are no orders to fill them just so they can meet there quotas. What a great system we have eh.


                    CGC tells me the Rail can be 6-8 weeks behind spotting Producer cars from the confirmation date. But it does vary.....


                      Innovation and Prosperity are a result of Wisdom combined with hard work.


                        Much canary out there, Mr. Gust???


                          Free wheat I did see a couple fields of Canary and some really nice sunflowers on highway 13. Although more notable for being there. Something new for me. In this area I can't think of a single grower of canary or sunnies.

                          I predict another winter of discontent with rail road shipping.

                          Lots of fusarium being found in Davidson and west area. To humid at nights last couple weeks.

                          People cancelling grain targets and playing wait and see.

                          What are others seeing in their travels or backyards?


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