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worst part of farming here

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    worst part of farming here

    Southern sask may be 3/4 done when we start. Oh and alberta way ahead also. West sask. Used to it typically have 3 weeks of shit to fix anyway. Need a week off to handle it all. That is how I will do it. Works for me. Camper loaded

    Rather go a different direction. What's the best part of farming where you do?


      Having a hard time thinking of one makes head hurt. Ok one is rm has good roads. Have c&d drainage ditches. Next year will be better.


        You cannot screw my vacation with pluses. I am going.


          Best things of living here..

          1. Real grid roads. Back in MB you could t take air drills down many of them

          2. Real drainage. Don't deal with flooding from rm ditches.

          3. Great people. Neighbours don't try to shoot us.LOL.

          4. DRY LAND. no flooding here. Guys here complain but they have never experienced real wet.

          5. Awesome companies to work with. COOP. Blairs Ag. Etc etc.

          6. Being able to get things done when they need to be cause everyone has work ethic.

          7. Being able to do custom work and get paid without collections.

          8. People!!!

          9. The land. It's fertile black loam. Very productive even if it has been a bit challenging to adapt to.

          10. Open land. I hate bush. Great up in bush. Had a chain saw before I was allowed to work in the field growing up.

          11. The weather. We get extremes but they are nowhere near what I'm used to. Haven't seen 9 inches of rain in one event over a day and a half. Plus it's dryer heat.

          12. Less disease pressure... believe it or not but it ain't that bad here.

          13. The fact that we can have a civilized conversation with rm council and they actually look into the problem and deal with it.

          I could go on but...

          That's in no particular order. We love it here


            I am number 3?????


              Klause over the last 12 years we has 2 . 6 inch rai. Events. Both in sept harvest time. Once had canola swathed heavey 40bushel crop. On one field just saying 4 swaths compleatly gone. Now how they could be gone and not plug up so.e culvert I dont know. The other was straight cutting barley. Straight through 2 foot deep water sloughs skimming the barley off the tops. Got malt that year. The whole farm was 2 feet under water. Anyways we got past it. 15 bushel canola on account of july frostwas not long ago number 3 and blending to get it. Early contractors ****ed Severley.


                Yes and 8.

                Ever though we don't see eye to eye sometimes I consider you a good friend.

                There's challenges everywhere. .. However there's more in sone areas... we had 4yrs with complete write offs. Then a good year. Then 4 more flooded...

                Has it snowed around sept 20 here before???

                I have a bad feeling about this fall


                  Your 28 YEARS OLD. YOU have nonexperienc


                    Oops good man...


                      Your 28 YEARS OLD. YOU have nonexperienc


                        This is my 10th crop.

                        I've been farming on my own since 15.

                        Parents split. Screwed college plans.

                        While my parents were in court I was out haying and combining on my own...

                        unlike many daddy didn't help me get anywhere.

                        Was working for a feedlot/farmer since I was 16. Then hauled superbs shoveling grain for 12 bucks an hr with no overtime.

                        thanks to J d green started making real money in the patch... hauled gravel for BHP while tgat was on.

                        Ran an it company for 6 years building and hosting websites.

                        Not bragging and there will be much more to experience!!

                        Going to achieve another goal... this winter will get my CCA designation


                          This is my 10th crop.

                          I've been farming on my own since 15.

                          Parents split. Screwed college plans.

                          While my parents were in court I was out haying and combining on my own...

                          unlike many daddy didn't help me get anywhere.

                          Was working for a feedlot/farmer since I was 16. Then hauled superbs shoveling grain for 12 bucks an hr with no overtime.

                          thanks to J d green started making real money in the patch... hauled gravel for BHP while tgat was on.

                          Ran an it company for 6 years building and hosting websites.

                          Not bragging and there will be much more to experience!!

                          Going to achieve another goal... this winter will get my CCA designation


                            I don't think someone can ever actually br experienced... too much to learn in this world and every year is different.
                            Btw I'm 25.


                              That explains your ambition and drive Klause. Don't get crusty and jaded like me, maybe that comes with age and doing the same thing forever.


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